bigcommerce / cornerstone

The BigCommerce Cornerstone theme
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Will exposing foundation break cornerstone? #2249

Open fthobe opened 2 years ago

fthobe commented 2 years ago

Hey @bookernath ,

Will including default html classes break cornerstone?

// Set these to true so that Foundation styles are exposed from Citadel $include-html-classes: false !default; $include-print-styles: false !default; $include-html-global-classes: $include-html-classes !default;

fthobe commented 2 years ago

Hey @bc-vlad-dlogush @bookernath , It would be really great to get a confirmation or denial if an exposure of the foundation classes should / would break cornerstone.

Given that updating custom cornerstone templates remains a pain it might be a consideration for customization to go with foundation leaving the original code in tact.

Please state your thoughts :)