Get TR-300 when having small but fair sized videos in our assets folder
Get TR-1400 after removing videos, re-bundling (after deleting the zip from the TR-300 error) and getting TR-1400 for a front matter issue, the front matter is fine as all pages are working.
Steps to reproduce behavior
We had videos on our theme that were taking up too much size for the 50mb limitation (not sure why 50mb is the limitation in the first place, at least 100m should be the default....)
Deleting the videos and running stencil bundle works
Attempting to push after this change provides a TR-1400 error (not to mention, it doesn't say what file or help us debug at all... also not sure why this made like this, it works against developers in my opinion)
Please help, why is 50mb the limitation when we're paying close to $4000 monthly for BigCommerce.
Expected behavior
Actual behavior
Steps to reproduce behavior
Please help, why is 50mb the limitation when we're paying close to $4000 monthly for BigCommerce.