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Question about using Mongo DB for the android app project #30

Open bdmckean opened 8 years ago

bdmckean commented 8 years ago

Khalid, it looks like the data is relatively structured and could have been put into an SQL data base (MySQL?) for queries. Why did you choose to use a NoSQL database and why MongoDB versus others?

kalharbi commented 8 years ago

Yes, this dataset can absolutely fit in any relational database. However, as the volume of the data increases and the structure changes, it will become much more obvious that a relational database is not the ideal choice for storing the data. NoSQL databases are designed to address new challenges and overcome the limitations of relational databases. I will highlight the ones related to our use case.

We will elaborate more on NoSQL databases as we progress in the course.

TheDataLeek commented 8 years ago

Why didn't we start this course by querying against a traditional SQL database? Given that SQL databases are the industry standard, I would have thought we would have used something like PostgreSQL, or MySQL as a "first database".

I get the hype around MonogoDB and other document based databases, but wouldn't a traditional relational database to query against have been more useful for the purpose of the course? It's hard to see the benefits of a document store database unless you've used a relational database.

kjblakemore commented 8 years ago

The android app data appears to be essentially read-only - once it is loaded into the database, it is analyzed, but not modified. My understanding is that NoSQL databases are better suited for large volumes of read-only data than SQL databases are. One of the reasons being that strong consistency is not required, eventual consistency is sufficient for update operations. Was this a consideration in the choice of Mongo for the android app data?