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Zayo #35

Open doubleshow opened 8 years ago

doubleshow commented 8 years ago

On Monday, Erik Thomson from the Zayo Group will come to visit our class. Erik Thomson is the manager of Zayo's big data and IT operations. He will give us a presentation about Zayo and its big data work. Moreover, he will bring some real problems and datasets for our class. We won't work on Zayo's data on Monday right away (we will do something else). But over the next few weeks we will have a series of exercises based on Zayo's data. Lastly, we will visit Zayo for an onsite hackathon on Nov. 30.

Because we are dealing with data that might contain sensitive information, we will have to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA). This is a normal procedure. Basically, you promise that you won't share company secrets with others. But if for some reason you are concerned about singing an NDA, please let me know by sending a private email to by Sunday.