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Today's Class [10/19] #42

Open doubleshow opened 8 years ago

doubleshow commented 8 years ago

IMPORTANT: Location will be DUAN G2B21 today. NOT ATLAS!

ATLAS lounge is not available today. But we will be able to go back to ATLAS again next week. Please remind each other to show up in the right location, which is the basement classroom.

Invited Speaker: Mellissa Bica, Project EPIC. She will speak to us about how she uses Tableau to analyze photos people took and shared on Twitter during the Nepal earthquake.


  1. NetApp: Each team will present its preliminary report on the NetApp findings. Brian will provide feedback.
  2. Yelp: Half of the class will be randomly selected to present the individual part of the Yelp visualization UI for question classes . Jackie Cameron will join us as a guest judge to evaluate your work. Please make sure you've published your book correctly (i.e., no dead links on