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Last three problems of Image Diffusion don't show on website #44

Open pillig opened 8 years ago

pillig commented 8 years ago

Like the title says the last three problems of Image Diffusion don't show on the book3 websites. Worked fine on my local server, but once I pushed to the website, I checked mine and several other peoples' questions 8, 9, and 10 and none of them had answers.

kjblakemore commented 8 years ago

The last three problems are failing with: Uncaught ReferenceError: moment is not defined.

moment is not defined, because the load of moment.min.js failed with: GET 404 (Not Found)

pillig commented 8 years ago

Fixed it by turning line 73 in Image Diffusion to src="" and line 71 in Yelp to src="" (make sure you keep the script and /script in)

Basically just forced to it to grab the files from online rather that having it miss the file in the repository.

doubleshow commented 8 years ago adds 'book3' to the path and messes up the location to grab the javascript libraries correctly. thanks @pail4944 for the fix.

alternatively, these libraries are served on

please edit your html files and replace each /js/geolib.js or /js/moment.min.js with these absolute paths.