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Book 2- Week 7 - Individual Learning Online Book Fix #53

Open pillig opened 8 years ago

pillig commented 8 years ago

Hi guys,

Sorry if this seems a bit late but I realized that my week 7 individual learning wasn't loading the data and therefore most the forms weren't able to work. Immediately I thought that the problem was similar to the other data loading problem from a couple weeks ago and sure enough it was.

To fix any problems with your book not being able to load data simply change the $get query in,,, and from '/data/pokemon-small.json' to 'http//:[github username]' and the same for '/data/fcq.clean.json' and 'http//:[github username]'.

Just thought this might help out as the end of the semester draws near and to make sure anyone who did do the problems wouldn't be misgraded.