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Cannot get WK 13 to publish on gitbook #69

Open drewdinger opened 8 years ago

drewdinger commented 8 years ago

Hey all, I am trying to publish my group project stuff that is located in week 13 locally. When I do the command "git add build" nothing happens and it says everything is up to date, even though I have made changes. Has anyone else ran into this problem, or know of a fix? Thanks.

drewdinger commented 8 years ago

It says that I have untracked files??? I'm not sure what that means or how i can fix that. Any help would be appreciated.

ZachLamb commented 8 years ago

It means that you haven't added or committed those files. Git should tell you what files weren't added. Do a "git add path_to_file" , then a git commit ,and followed by your git push command. If that doesn't work, you could do a "git add --all" which will add EVERYTHING to your git repo ,but it will ensure everything is on there. Not the best approach ,but you're limited by time, this is your best option.

drewdinger commented 8 years ago

Hey thanks for the repy Zach. I am seeing what you are saying, but when I got to my fork of book 3 it has all of my files there uploaded to github, even the untracked ones that it was complaining about. Yet on my gitbook page it is still not showing the changes.

drewdinger commented 8 years ago

but now when I do a git commit it says I am on the branch master, that my branch is up to date with origin/master, and there is nothing to commit.

ZachLamb commented 8 years ago

Have you tried this: git subtree push --prefix build origin gh-pages ?

drewdinger commented 8 years ago

yeah, it counts all the way to n 37 and says that everything is up-to-date

ZachLamb commented 8 years ago

If nothing is showing up on your ,then open up the Chrome Inspector tool in it ,and it might show you an error.

drewdinger commented 8 years ago

Yeah, thanks for trying. No luck, the inspector doesn't show any errors.

drewdinger commented 8 years ago

Do you know of a way I can just start over? Get rid of the changes I made in week 13, and just re add the files I edited. Is that an option? Sorry, I am not very good with Git.

drewdinger commented 8 years ago

I got it. Somehow there was a difference between my build folder and my src folder for week 13. I changed the folder in the build subdirectory and everything published smoothly. Thank you Zach for your help, I greatly appreciate it.