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Zayo Hackathon #70

Open doubleshow opened 8 years ago

doubleshow commented 8 years ago

Details of the Zayo Hackathon is now available.

Please check CS Moodle. There are multiple documents:

  1. Zayo Big Data Project: Part 3
  2. Judging Criteria
  3. Logistics / Agenda
  4. Everyone's submission for Part 1
  5. Everyone's submission for Part 2

Time: 4pm - 8pm Nov. 30

Because the hackathon will take longer than the usual class time, we will borrow course time from Dec. and combine the two course times into one. In other words, we will NOT have a meeting on Dec. 7. Instead, we will have a longer class on Nov. 30.

d-kz commented 8 years ago

Could we please request a review rating from a "Name/ID" for a "Product" that they used? ex: { "Name/ID":22189, "Service Name":16403, "Number of Services":3, "Bandwidth":"45Mb", "Product":"DIA", "Rating": 5 "State A":"", "State Z":"", "Service Status":"Disconnected", "Term":0, "Total MRR":" $- " }