- [Thread about X bias](https://twitter.com/AdameMedia/status/1748733839806013579?t=CACxyCOSo1ug6kmAK-ru6Q&s=19)
- [X post](https://x.com/censoredmen/status/1748727201283936737?s=46&t=HJLr_gf-6XMlvuiNZTOV-w)
Explain the context in which the claim was made or any additional information that might be relevant for fact-checking.
Include any evidence or supporting materials related to the claim (e.g., screenshots, articles, videos).
Specify the priority level for this fact-check request (e.g., high, medium, low).
Indicate any specific deadline for completing the fact-check, if applicable.
**Additional Notes:**
Add any additional notes or instructions for fact-checkers.
- [X] Fact-Check Request
- [X] Priority: High/Medium/Low
- [ ] Assignees
- [ ] Needs Review
- [ ] Deadline: [Insert Deadline]
Fact-Check Request X platform bias against Pro-Palestinian accounts