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ViewerTransformAdjuster for multiple sources #246

Closed tischi closed 2 years ago

tischi commented 2 years ago


you have there code like this:

        RealInterval maxInterval =
                .reduce((i1,i2) -> new FinalRealInterval(
                        new double[]{Math.min(i1.realMin(0), i2.realMin(0)), Math.min(i1.realMin(1), i2.realMin(1)), Math.min(i1.realMin(2), i2.realMin(2))},
                        new double[]{Math.max(i1.realMax(0), i2.realMax(0)), Math.max(i1.realMax(1), i2.realMax(1)), Math.max(i1.realMax(2), i2.realMax(2))}

Is that maybe rather the union interval?

If so, could one just use the inbuilt Intervals.union for this?

NicoKiaru commented 2 years ago

Ah nice! I didn't know it exists. But is union really union ?

Because [1..3] union [5..7] is not supposed to be [1..7], but [1..3]U[5..7].

I guess it's just a naming problem. With Intervals we always get bounds and not a 'real' union.

tischi commented 2 years ago

Good point. Javadoc says: "Compute the smallest interval that contains both input intervals."

I have a TransformHelpers class with such code:

public static RealInterval unionRealInterval( List< ? extends Source< ? > > sources )
        RealInterval union = null;

        for ( Source< ? > source : sources )
            final FinalRealInterval bounds = estimateBounds( source );

            if ( union == null )
                union = bounds; // init with first source
                union = Intervals.union( bounds, union );

        return union;

public static FinalRealInterval estimateBounds( Source< ? > source )
        final AffineTransform3D affineTransform3D = new AffineTransform3D();
        source.getSourceTransform( 0, 0, affineTransform3D );
        final FinalRealInterval bounds = affineTransform3D.estimateBounds( source.getSource( 0, 0 ) );
        return bounds;

What do you think?

NicoKiaru commented 2 years ago

Looks good! I would add a timepoint parameter though

NicoKiaru commented 2 years ago

Done in I still need to reduce since union takes only two arguments.