bigdoods /

IFC website and documentation repo:
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Concept page strategy #50

Open bigdoods opened 7 years ago

bigdoods commented 7 years ago

The purpose of the concept page is to provide visitors to the site with the knowledge required to understand IFC from both an end-user and developers perspective.

The strategy is to provide a source that brings users on a journey to understanding from nothing through to advanced user/ Implementer.

The IFC wikipedia page is a source of information about IFC that provides a suitable high level overview of IFC concepts and thus will be the seed which the rest of the concepts will grow from.

In order for the user to understand IFC implementation, it is important to understand the IFC model and what it does. This consists of the spatial organisation and the physical building elements. Different subsets of the IFC model will be explained in this section too.

Prior to the understanding of encoding IFC, it is advised that the user is familiar with the IFC model. Once happy, the user will be in a good position to understand topics such as IFC schema formats, mapping and data formats. The user should understand the scope of existing tools from this section to help the above tasks and should be platform, language specific for the user and should be linked to the relevant tutorial where possible.

Further to this, a user will be provided with a set of recommended tutorials meant to accelerate their understanding of the sections above.

Tutorials to complement this section include;

Platform specific examples;