bigfish / vim-js-context-coloring

JavaScript Context Coloring in Vim
MIT License
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Double lines appear after save. #9

Closed variousauthors closed 10 years ago

variousauthors commented 10 years ago

If I enter insert mode, make an edit, and then exit insert mode and save very quickly, as is my habit, then I get artifacts:

doubed line artifacts

I think this is happening because I'm saving before the context colouring is finished.

Keep up the good work!

bigfish commented 10 years ago

hm, I can't seem to reproduce this behaviour.. perhaps i'm not doing it quick enough! But I'm not sure how my plugin could do this as it does not modify the buffer but only highlights it... if you regularly save after leaving insert mode you could try the following autocommand in .vimrc ...

au InsertLeave *  execute ':w'

or you could create a mapping to save (eg Ctrl-S) to save and exit insertmode:

inoremap <C-S> <Esc>:w<CR>

If I do this I'm not seeing the double lines issue...

bigfish commented 10 years ago

NB -- make sure flow control is off in your .bashrc (or equivalent) like so

#prevent flow control
stty -ixon
stty stop ''
stty start ''

or else the terminal will freeze if you do Ctrl-s ... if this happens, hit 'q' to resume , AFAIK.

bigfish commented 10 years ago

Well I've not seen this on my machine, I think it must be something in your config, you can always try loading Vim with no config, and then source the plugin file only.. see the starting options

:h starting

I think you can use :

vim -u NONE -N somefile.js  

, then

so ~/.vim/bundle/vim-js-context-colors/ftplugin/javascript.vim

to load the plugin (use your location of the plugin)

So I'll close this issue then...