bigianb / bgda-explorer

Code written to try and figure out the data files used in Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance for the PS2
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Fallout: BOS - Archive support #14

Open ConnieJP opened 2 years ago

ConnieJP commented 2 years ago

Hi! I found this Github while looking for tools to open Fallout: BOS's archive format. I was curious if there were any plans for that game since it also runs on the Snowblind engine as well. From what I could see, the game used .clp files for its archives, which seem to be different that the ones used in other Snowblind games. I'm mostly curious about opening them to document the game's inner workings more, specifically the sound effects.


bigianb commented 2 years ago

I've not looked at this game but I'm surprised that the archive files are not LMP. Are you looking at the PS2 version? Everything here is PS2 version specific .... the other ports will be different because the files are very PS2 specific.

ConnieJP commented 2 years ago

Yes, I was checking the PS2 version.

bigianb commented 2 years ago

Looks like it is a compressed version of a LMP file.

ConnieJP commented 2 years ago

Oh, swell. Would it be hard to support those archives as well then?

Nitestokeh commented 1 year ago

I support this. BoS support would be a godsend

kran27 commented 1 year ago

i haven't done the reverse engineering here, i did see what looks to be some sort of resource hashtable, but didn't bother reading it. but I put together a quick tool, and I can extract .vag sfx from the ps2 edition, and .wav from xbox through just brute force searching for the file headers in each .clp. I don't think it's compressed. I have a few other projects that I'm working on at the moment, but I may look into this again, and see how similar these archives are to lmp.

ConnieJP commented 1 year ago

That would be cool! I've been wanting to properly document the game and it would help out a bunch :>