bigianb / bgda-explorer

Code written to try and figure out the data files used in Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance for the PS2
9 stars 6 forks source link extraction Baldurs Gate 1 #30

Open McKayK opened 3 weeks ago

McKayK commented 3 weeks ago

I'm having an issue where I can't extract the 3D model for the ".world" files.

For instance if you go:

It pulls up the level tab and I can see the 3D render of the Tavern but I cannot extract it.

Also is there a way to get rid of the all the yellow boxes within the .world file in the level tab? I've seen a post on another forum that shows they extracted the tavern with all the models posed correctly and they were able to import it into unreal engine. On that forum they mention this tool. I'm creating a personal DND campaign based on the first DA game and I would LOVE to be able to extract these maps. Thanks for your help!

bigianb commented 3 weeks ago

This is a windows only c# program and all my machines are macs these days. If you can program them you can fork this and modify it but I don’t have that capability at the moment.

Again, if you’re a programmer you may find the tooling in my jbgda repository more useful as it is simpler due to having no gui.

How would you use the map in dnd out of interest? I thought that was a tabletop game

On Wed, 5 Jun 2024 at 21:18, McKay Kleinman @.***> wrote:

I'm having an issue where I can't extract the 3D model for the ".world" files.

For instance if you go:

  • Tavern.GOB
  • Tavern.GOB
  • tavern.Imp

It pulls up the level tab and I can see the 3D render of the Tavern but I cannot extract it.

Also is there a way to get rid of the all the yellow boxes within the .world file in the level tab? I've seen a post on another forum that shows they extracted the tavern with all the models posed correctly and they were able to import it into unreal engine. On that forum they mention this tool. I'm creating a personal DND campaign based on the first DA game and I would LOVE to be able to extract these maps. Thanks for your help!

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McKayK commented 3 weeks ago

I'll check into your jbgda repo and see what I can do! I've looked into the code for BGDA-Explorer I'm just not versed in c# at all, but I'll continue to dig into it! I struggled to find where you were viewing the "level" of the .world file and setting it to a variable for exporting. But I will definitely check harder.

As far as how I was planning on using the 3D render of maps. We play DND on a table with a TV and having the 3D maps would just make it more immersive. Sewers New I've figured out how to get rid of the yellow boxes so I was able to take a top down view screen shot in sections and piece them together in photoshop, which is way better than my hand drawn versions. So progress is great! I was also able to use your program to get the 3D assets of characters and chests and other misc items and put them in the map. So a big thank you!