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Add dataset: royal_society_corpus #41

Open davanstrien opened 2 years ago

davanstrien commented 2 years ago

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Dataset description

The Royal Society Corpus (RSC) is based on the first two centuries of the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London from its beginning in 1665 to 1869. It includes all publications of the journal written mainly in English and containing running text. The Philosophical Transactions was the first periodical of scientific writing in England. Founded in 1665 by Henry Oldenburg, the first secretary of the Royal Society, it initially contained excerpts of letters of his scientific correspondence, reviews and summaries of recently-published books, and accounts of observations and experiments.

This offers an interesting dataset of text from the scientific domain across a long time period (1665-1869). Additionaly the dataset contains a range of annotations:

The corpus is tokenized and linguistically annotated for lemma and part-of-speech using TreeTagger (Schmid 1994, Schmid 1995). For spelling normalization we use a trained model of VARD (Baron and Rayson 2008). As a special feature, we encode with each unit (word token) its average surprisal, i.e. the average amount of information it encodes in number of bits, with words as units and trigram as contexts [cf. Genzel and Charniak 2002). Detailed information on the linguistic and structural annotation of the RSC can be found here.

The RSC consists of approximately 35 million token and is encoded for text type (abstracts, articles), author, year of publication. Information about decade and 50-year periods are also available allowing for a diachronic analysis of different granularity. Token sizes of the different subcorpora and other corpus statistics can be found here.

Dataset modality


Dataset licence

Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 4.0 International

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davanstrien commented 2 years ago

Some additional information on the annotation format here

shamikbose commented 2 years ago


shamikbose commented 2 years ago

@davanstrien, there seems to be a problem with the data

<page no="page_0002" id="1070">
hands   NNS hand    hands   2.09    0.65    1.12    1.50
.   SENT    .   .   2.39    0.29    3.09    4.43

The <s> tags are supposed to be inisde <page> tags, but as you can see above, the last line is a closing <s> tag without the opening one. As a result, both xml and `bs4' fail to parse it properly

I changed it to look like this:

our PP$ our our 6.09    0.40    5.53    4.47
hands   NNS hand    hands   2.09    0.65    1.12    1.50
.   SENT    .   .   2.39    0.29    3.09    4.43
<page no="page_0002" id="1070">

and then it parses that part correctly

davanstrien commented 2 years ago

I'll take a quick look at this today. One option might be to use a slightly cruder approach to parsing. I'll play around a bit and let you know how I get on with that.

shamikbose commented 2 years ago

I was considering using a stack, but in the case of malformed data, the sentences would be wrong.