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2nd Tactile button on v1.0.1 #13

Open Budavaril opened 2 years ago

Budavaril commented 2 years ago

Can not find any description for a new 1.0.1 pro board (429) where is explained the function of that tactile button switch next to the SD slot and aligned with a wifi card black connector. 20220527_190942

GadgetAngel commented 2 years ago

Can not find any description for a new 1.0.1 pro board (429) where is explained the function of that tactile button switch next to the SD slot and aligned with a wifi card black connector. 20220527_190942

It appears to be the software reset switch that they left off the original version of the pro board:

The schematic shows it but on the original board it was not there, so it looks like they fixed it with the new boards


Maybe someone from Bigtreetech company can chime in on this issue. @bigtreetech Can you make a comment?

Budavaril commented 2 years ago

I saw this button on the schematic diagram (sheet5 bottom left), but I believe this is the "normal" reset button what is physically on the top right corner of the board 20220527_084107 .. I couldn't see second button on the shematic even I checked 3times..