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Octopus Pro H729 DIAG pins #37

Open PerLangkjaer opened 1 year ago

PerLangkjaer commented 1 year ago

I have a problem where the jumpers for the DIAG pins to run sensorless homing, have no connection to the pin of the endstop.

Is the H729 a newer version???

Ari-SSO commented 12 months ago

H729 or H723?

PerLangkjaer commented 12 months ago

I have the H729 version. I have found out that the HE0 and HE2 is not working, but I suspect it have something with the pin names in the config file.

Ari-SSO commented 12 months ago

you search in bigtreetech github or

Ari-SSO commented 12 months ago

I read that v1.0 has some problem with pin, they are wrong informed in the board. Refer to the diagrams in PDF. I don't remember but ther is somethig with the - and + pin. This in version 1.1 of octopus was corrected.

But the octopus come with F407, F446, F420 and H723 if i am rigth.