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Octopus PRO dual Y axis #7

Open luca920 opened 2 years ago

luca920 commented 2 years ago

I am trying to set the board to have dual Y axis, but am struggling in understanding how. Which config lines should I modifiy?

ebraiman commented 2 years ago

Look in pins file for marlin for pins_BTT_OCTOPUS_V1_common.h You might need to rename something like ...

define Z_STEP_PIN PF11 // MOTOR 2

define Z_DIR_PIN PG3


ifndef Z_CS_PIN

define Z_CS_PIN PC6


define Z2_STEP_PIN PG4 // MOTOR 3

define Z2_DIR_PIN PC1

define Z2_ENABLE_PIN PA0

ifndef Z2_CS_PIN

define Z2_CS_PIN PC7


To Y2.

luca920 commented 2 years ago

Hi @ebraiman, thank you for the answer. I will try.

just to be clear you mean that I should change the block (in this ase I think the one I like) like so:

define Y2_STEP_PIN PG4 // MOTOR 3

define Y2_DIR_PIN PC1

define Y2_ENABLE_PIN PA0

ifndef Y2_CS_PIN

define Y2_CS_PIN PC7


is that right?

ebraiman commented 2 years ago

I'll be Streaming tonight @ 6PM EST and I'll look at your issue. The Channel is called "Ed's 3d Tech" on YouTube. It will also be in livestream playlist if you miss it.

ebraiman commented 2 years ago

Solution is about halfway thru the stream ...

luca920 commented 2 years ago

You are really good! I am follwing you (unfortunately was not able to get on live stream), but you have been really helpful!

I thank you again! (will open another thred btw on how to connect external driver for which I am still struggling too XD)