bigtreetech / BIGTREETECH-SKR-V1.3

32bit board with LPC1768, support marlin2.0 and smoothieware, support lcd2004/12864, On-board TMC2130 SPI interface and TMC2208 UART interface no additional wiring is required
999 stars 1.15k forks source link

Smoothieware #191

Open SankaMa opened 4 years ago

SankaMa commented 4 years ago

Hello everyone,

i've been trying to get smoothieware running on SKR v1.3 for a few days now, but i couldn't. With Marlin everything works quite well, this means there is no problem with the hardware. I stored the config.txt from Github in the SD card. I also get confirmation and feedback when I send G-code, but the motors are not rotating. Is it possible that the drivers are not working properly or do I need to make further changes in the config file?

Thanks in advance.

sn0wrider commented 4 years ago

Hi, it's not problem of drivers. developer smoothieware - wolfmanjm say "only original controllers are supported" if you want smoothieware, you need to find smoothieware like september-october 2018

vorpalk commented 4 years ago

Then why is this board marketed as a Smoothieware compatible board? Does BTT provide a fork or not?

TWilmer commented 4 years ago

Hi, I would like to have a link to the source of firmware flashed to the controller initially, too. Kind Regards Thorsten