bigtreetech / BIGTREETECH-SKR-V1.3

32bit board with LPC1768, support marlin2.0 and smoothieware, support lcd2004/12864, On-board TMC2130 SPI interface and TMC2208 UART interface no additional wiring is required
999 stars 1.15k forks source link

SKR 1.4 Turbo vs Tft MKS H43 #567

Open andyrok opened 1 year ago

andyrok commented 1 year ago

Can someone help me I have a SKR 1.4 Turbo and I bought a Tft MKS H43 because in the specifications they gave it compatible with the SKR .. unfortunately I can't make it work ... it turns on and stays on the logo screen..😱

radek8 commented 1 year ago

Send config and photo involved

andyrok commented 1 year ago

This is the suggest wiring....and the serial port...

Schermata 2022-08-31 alle 16 04 01

But in Configuration_adv_h( marlin for SKR 1.4 Turbo) "define LCD_SERIAL_PORT" is not present...

Schermata 2022-09-10 alle 09 18 06

MKS wiring suggest ice this

Schermata 2022-09-10 alle 09 12 42

i have try every possibility of wiring and serial port but the result is the same... only logo.....

Schermata 2022-09-10 alle 09 22 02
radek8 commented 1 year ago

Did you enable configuration.h?


Which serial port did you connect the display to? You can't see it from your photos. In the configuration_adv.h file, add a line with the port number.


You must not define the same port as a standard serial port in the configuration.h file

radek8 commented 1 year ago

If you do not define a serial port manually, serial port 3 will be used


andyrok commented 1 year ago
Schermata 2022-09-10 alle 23 48 50 Schermata 2022-09-10 alle 23 50 07

This is the port suggest by MKS.... I use Marlin for SKR 1.4 turbo but the line whit "LCD_SERIAL_PORT" are missed.... ok for add line "LCD_SERIAL_PORT" I've try but only Logo appears..

radek8 commented 1 year ago

What port number did you add?

radek8 commented 1 year ago

Attention WIFI connector has only 3.3V power supply.

radek8 commented 1 year ago

Your involvement is wrong. The connection of the adapter does not correspond to the connection of the WiFi connector.

radek8 commented 1 year ago

The adapter will probably be compatible with the AUX1 connector on the SKR V1.3, but you have SKRV 1.4 and the tan does not have an AUX1 connector but WiFi. These two connectors are not wired the same way. Be happy if you don't destroy anything.


radek8 commented 1 year ago



andyrok commented 1 year ago

The adapter will probably be compatible with the AUX1 connector on the SKR V1.3, but you have SKRV 1.4 and the tan does not have an AUX1 connector but WiFi. These two connectors are not wired the same way. Be happy if you don't destroy anything.


MKS expert give me this information:

“The wifi interface is also a serial port

I thought this was right but some doubts come to me... as for the Tft power supply I think if there were only 3.3 V it wouldn't turn on...

andyrok commented 1 year ago
Schermata 2022-09-11 alle 12 17 24
radek8 commented 1 year ago

Yes, the wifi connector has a serial port, but on other pins. So you can't use a 1:1 cable

radek8 commented 1 year ago

You still haven't sent a photo of the wiring and files with the current Marlin configuration

radek8 commented 1 year ago

Make your own connection cable. In the evening I will send it a suggestion for his involvement.

andyrok commented 1 year ago
Schermata 2022-09-11 alle 17 10 06

I added the line: "LCD_SERIAL_PORT"

Schermata 2022-09-11 alle 17 11 17 Schermata 2022-09-11 alle 17 11 05 Schermata 2022-09-11 alle 17 16 28

I created the link with single cables... As in the scheme....

radek8 commented 1 year ago

If you want to use the WiFi connector, you must define serial port 3


The display requires a 5V power supply. use the 5V pin on the TFT connector.

Did you uncomment this line?



define serial_port_2 1

radek8 commented 1 year ago

If you would like to define serial port 0, you cannot connect the display to the WiFi connector, but you would have to use the TFT connector on the SKR

andyrok commented 1 year ago

ok, but the line #define DGUS_LCD_UI_MKS is not present

Schermata 2022-09-11 alle 19 07 37
radek8 commented 1 year ago


andyrok commented 1 year ago

Ok, so I have to compile Marlin ... not using the specific firmware of the SKR 1.4 Turbo...? Dwin set folder I already installed it in the H43.... I put the microsd and the Tft update was successful... Your help is very important ... thank you!!