bigtreetech / BIGTREETECH-SKR-mini-E3

BIGTREETECH SKR-mini-E3 motherboard is a ultra-quiet, low-power, high-quality 3D printing machine control board. It is launched by the 3D printing team of Shenzhen BIGTREE technology co., LTD. This board is specially tailored for Ender 3 printer, perfectly replacing the original Ender3 printer motherboard.
1.99k stars 1.98k forks source link

z-probe will not apply custom offsets #672

Open reflexxion33 opened 2 years ago

reflexxion33 commented 2 years ago

292070977_818289209345995_3937465498218094742_n Already added to reddit for help, no replies.

BTT SKR Mini e3 V3 in a CR-10s.

Microswiss direct drive and hot end.

Zprobe offsets in firmware do not appear to be working. Any help would be appreciated.

TH3d basically told me to get bent.

Below is the current config.h


//=========================================================================== //**** EXTRA FEATURES AND TWEAKS **** //=========================================================================== // EXTRUDER SETTINGS ------------------------------- // Use to set custom esteps and/or reverse your E Motor direction if you are installing an extruder that needs the direction reversed. // If you reversed the wiring on your E motor already (like the Bondtech Guide says to do) then you do not need to reverse it in the firmware here. // If you want to change the Esteps for your printer you can uncomment the below line and set CUSTOM_ESTEPS_VALUE to what you want - USE WHOLE NUMBERS ONLY // This option sets the esteps from the CUSTOM_ESTEPS_VALUE line below. // If you need to reverse the e motor direction also enabled the REVERSE_E_MOTOR_DIRECTION option. // Example EStep Values: TH3D Aluminum Extruder - 95 ESteps, TH3D Tough Extruder - 410 ESteps, BMG Extruder - 415 ESteps // When installing a Tough Extruder or E3D Titan or Bondtech that is Geared you likely need to enable the REVERSE_E_MOTOR_DIRECTION option //#define CUSTOM_ESTEPS


//#define REVERSE_E_MOTOR_DIRECTION // FILAMENT SENSOR UNLOAD SETTINGS ----------------- // If you have a filament sensor that is physically mounted to the machine you can enable MOUNTED_FILAMENT_SENSOR to set the unload length to 5mm to prevent filament from backing up in the sensor by uncommenting MOUNTED_FILAMENT_SENSOR //#define MOUNTED_FILAMENT_SENSOR // If you have a direct drive machine with a filament sensor uncomment DIRECT_DRIVE_PRINTER to decrease the unload length from 100mm to 20mm


// THERMISTOR SETTINGS ----------------------------- // If you are using an E3D V6 Hotend (or Hemera) with their cartridge thermistor (not glass version) uncomment the below line. //#define V6_HOTEND // If you are using a Tough Hotend from TH3D or any thermistors TH3D sells for your hotend uncomment the below line. //#define TH3D_HOTEND_THERMISTOR // If you are using a known hotend thermistor value uncomment the below 2 lines and enter the thermistor number replacing the X after the #define KNOWN_HOTEND_THERMISTOR_VALUE //#define KNOWN_HOTEND_THERMISTOR //#define KNOWN_HOTEND_THERMISTOR_VALUE X // If you have a hotend and thermistor capable of over 290C you can set the max temp value below. // Setting this higher than 290C on a stock or traditional thermistor will damage it. Refer to your thermistor documentation to see what max temp is. //#define HIGH_TEMP_THERMISTOR


// BED THERMISTOR SETTINGS ------------------------- // If you are using a thermistor TH3D sells for your bed uncomment the below line. //#define TH3D_BED_THERMISTOR // If you are using a Keenovo with SSR and the Keenovo temperature sensor uncomment the below line. //#define KEENOVO_TEMPSENSOR // If you are using a known bed thermistor value uncomment the below 2 lines and enter the thermistor number replacing the X after the #define KNOWN_BED_THERMISTOR_VALUE //#define KNOWN_BED_THERMISTOR //#define KNOWN_BED_THERMISTOR_VALUE X // If you are using an AC bed with a standalone controller (Keenovo) uncomment the below line to disable the heated bed in the firmware //#define AC_BED // MISC -------------------------------------------- // LCD Knob Direction // Turning your LCD knob clockwise should move DOWN in the menus/make values increase and counter-clockwise should move UP in the menus/make values decrease // If yours is behaving opposite then enable the REVERSE_KNOB_DIRECTION option below //#define REVERSE_KNOB_DIRECTION // If you have a 5015 fan that whines when under 100% speed uncomment the below line. //#define FAN_FIX // Use your own printer name - Uncomment both lines



// If your printer is homing to the endstops hard uncomment this to change the homing speed/divisor to make it less aggressive.


// Axis Direction Settings // If you need to reverse the direction of a motor uncomment the below option for that axis. // E motor settings are below in the Extruder Settings Section //#define REVERSE_X_MOTOR //#define REVERSE_Y_MOTOR //#define REVERSE_Z_MOTOR //=========================================================================== //** COMMUNITY REQUESTED FEATURES ***** //* COMMUNITY REQUESTED FEATURES ARE ALL NOT SUPPORTED BY TH3D SUPPORT **** //=========================================================================== // ENDER XTENDER KIT SETTINGS ---------------------- // Ender Xtender Kits for Ender 3/3 Pro //#define XTENDER_E3_300 //300x300x250 Size //#define XTENDER_E3_300XL //300x300x400 Size //#define XTENDER_E3_400 //400x400x250 Size //#define XTENDER_E3_400Z //235x235x400 Size //#define XTENDER_E3_400XL //400x400x500 Size //#define XTENDER_E3_500Z //235x235x500 Size // Ender Xtender Kits for Ender 5/5 Pro //#define XTENDER_E5_5XL //235x235x500 Size // Ender Xtender Kits for Ender 5 Plus //#define XTENDER_E5P_400 //510x510x400 Size //#define XTENDER_E5P_500 //510x510x500 Size // BAUDRATE ADJUSTMENT ----------------------------- // This firmware uses a 115200 default baud rate as that is the most reliable and compatible. If you want to use 250000 uncomment the below line. //#define FASTER_BAUDRATE // HOME OFFSET ADJUSTMENT -------------------------- // If you need to adjust your XY home offsets from defaults then you can uncomment the HOME_ADJUST line below and enter your // custom XY offsets. This is provided for convenience and is unsupported with included product support. // How to use - measure (home XY then jog using the LCD 1mm at a time) the X and Y distance the nozzle is off // the build plate and then put those as NEGATIVE values below, positive values will NOT work (move your endstops to fix a positve offset). //#define HOME_ADJUST

define X_HOME_LOCATION -10

define Y_HOME_LOCATION -20

// PID BED TEMPERATURE CONTROL --------------------- // If you want PID Bed Temperature control enable the below line. You will need to tune it for your machine. // See the PID Bed setup guide here: //#define ENABLE_PIDBED // Z PROBE OFFSET WIZARD --------------------------- // Marlin has a Z Probe Offset Wizard now. If you want to enable this, uncomment the below line.


// FINE BABYSTEPPING ------------------------------- // Enabling the below line will set the babystep resolution from 0.025mm to 0.010mm for finer control. //#define FINE_BABYSTEPPING // LINEAR ADVANCE ---------------------------------- // See here on how to use Linear Advance: //#define LINEAR_ADVANCE // Change the K Value here or use M900 KX.XX in your starting code (recommended).


// BL TOUCH ---------------------------------------- // If you want to use the BL-Touch uncomment the 2 lines below. Refer to BTT documentation for connecting the BL Touch. // Use the Z endstop port for the black/white wires from the BL Touch. // You also need to uncomment #define CUSTOM_PROBE above and then enter in your offsets above in the CUSTOM PROBE section.

define BLTOUCH

// Here is where you set your servo pin. For SKR E3 Mini use PA1 //#define SERVO0_PIN PA1 // If you are using the 5 pin header for all the BL Touch connections, uncomment the below line //#define BLTOUCH_ON_5PIN // MANUAL MESH LEVELING ---------------------------- // If you want to use manual mesh leveling you can enable the below option. This is for generating a MANUAL mesh WITHOUT a probe. To change the mesh inset value change the EZABL_PROBE_EDGE setting above. // Mesh Bed Leveling Documentation: // NOTE: If you want to automate the leveling process our EZABL kits do this for you. Check them out here:


// POWER LOSS RECOVERY ----------------------------- // Continue after Power-Loss feature will store the current state to the SD Card at the start of each layer // during SD printing. If this is found at bootup it will ask you if you want to resume the print. // // NOTE: This feature causes excessive wear on your SD card.


// ARC Support Override ---------------------------- // Arc support is enabled by default on all builds but this takes up extra space. If you get compile errors due to the size being too large when enabling other options, then disable ARC_SUPPORT // by uncommenting the DISABLE_ARC_SUPPORT line below. // Disabling ARC_SUPPORT will restore additional menus to the LCD on this board. //#define DISABLE_ARC_SUPPORT // Action Commands Override ------------------------ // Action commands support is enabled by default on all builds but this takes up extra space. If you get compile errors due to the size being too large when enabling other options, then disable HOST_ACTION_COMMANDS // by uncommenting the DISABLE_ACTION_COMMANDS_SUPPORT line below. This feature is primiarly used for OctoPrint/EZPi setups. //#define DISABLE_ACTION_COMMANDS_SUPPORT //=========================================================================== // ** END CONFIGURATION SETTINGS ***** //===========================================================================

DanielKulikowski commented 1 year ago

when you flash the firmware remember to load defult setings on the printer to aplye things like probe offset form the new setings.