bigtreetech / BIGTREETECH-SKR-mini-E3

BIGTREETECH SKR-mini-E3 motherboard is a ultra-quiet, low-power, high-quality 3D printing machine control board. It is launched by the 3D printing team of Shenzhen BIGTREE technology co., LTD. This board is specially tailored for Ender 3 printer, perfectly replacing the original Ender3 printer motherboard.
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[BUG] (short description) #753

Open kharrisma opened 9 months ago

kharrisma commented 9 months ago


Steps to reproduce

  1. [First Step]
  2. [Second Step]
  3. [and so on...]

Expected behavior

Actual behavior

Additional Information

DESCRIPTION: BTT SKR Mini E3 -v- 2.0 (with BTT TFT35 -v- 3.0 display) will NOT recognize presence of "firmware.bin" and update.


  1. Locate pre-configured firmware file (in this case, "firmware-bltouch-for-z-homing.bin," from BTT's github repository)
  2. Format 8GB uSD card, using the SD Card Association's recommended formatting utility, not Linux system utility.
  3. Tested card by re-flashing the TFT35 display firmware, which worked without issue, renaming the file extension on the SD card "cur."
  4. Reformatted the same card using the same utility.
  5. Renamed "firmware-bltouch-for-z-homing.bin" to "firmware.bin" as the readme in the directory said must be done.
  6. Printer OFF. Insert card into SKR SD slot. Card properly clicks into place and locks.
  7. Printer ON. Machine boots normally in the usual amount of time. NO BL Touch options show in menu. File on SD card NOT renamed firmware.cur. Trying to home hot end, X homes okay, Y homes okay, but Z shoots out to the the center of the bed and raises about 20mm, then generates an error message and beeps. Error message is generic: Printer shut down with errors. Correct errors and restart with M999." No error codes given or found.
  8. Tried a number of things others have claimed worked for them... no success. Card just WON'T update. Even went so far as to use a USB microscope to inspect the card socket pin contacts to see if there's any damage, and as expected, found none.

EXPECTED BEHAVIOR: Printer start, dark display, longer than usual boot time, menu comes up and now has BL touch options available, and 'firmware.bin' on SD care renamed to "firmware. cur." None of this happened.

ACTUAL BEHAVIOR: As described above - - machine boots normally in the normal amount of time, completely failing to recognize the presence of a 'firmware.bin' and not introducing BL Touch menu options, and also not renaming "firmware.bin" to "firmware.cur." Can't really send you my configuration.h since I'm not using one, I'm trying to install pre-configured firmware (included it as a .zip file). PICS / VIDEOS: Not sure what I could send... no error screens, everything is just normal file handling until the machine boots and skips right past updating with the new firmware.

kharrisma commented 9 months ago

PS... the machine DOES read gcode files from the SKR uSD socket, so the socket itself doesn't seem to be an issue.

radek8 commented 9 months ago

Try a few different SD cards.

kharrisma commented 9 months ago

This is the sixth card I've tried, all from different manufacturers (thinking maybe my machine doesn't like one particular flavor of card...) I'm sticking with this one because I used it to successfully re-flash the display, so I know it works (well, works for the display, anyway... no reason it shouldn't work in the control card as well.) I was using larger 32Gb cards until I learned that it's more reliable to use 8Gb or smaller cards, so that's what I'm using. Doesn't seem to matter whether I use el-cheepo cards or more expensive big-name cards... same issue either way. I'm really leaning towards an SKR board failure; I can see no reason why it should be able to read files from the uSD card, but NOT see the "firmware.bin" file and act accordingly. What is it exactly that "sees" the "firmware.bin" and treats it differently than a regular file, anyway? Maybe that's what's corrupted??