bigtreetech / BIGTREETECH-SKR-mini-E3

BIGTREETECH SKR-mini-E3 motherboard is a ultra-quiet, low-power, high-quality 3D printing machine control board. It is launched by the 3D printing team of Shenzhen BIGTREE technology co., LTD. This board is specially tailored for Ender 3 printer, perfectly replacing the original Ender3 printer motherboard.
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Stepper Motors shreaded #91

Open Supastyles opened 5 years ago

Supastyles commented 5 years ago

I purchased this board while it was sold out and received it in late october of the new batch 1.2s

I installed it as I followed the instructions. After a few days with the new board It sounded as if my z motor was binding. I went to work adjusting it to be as smooth as possible. 3 days later I just tried running the motor without the lead screw. Still was making the grinding/binding sounds. I swapped our my Z and my y motors. initially the swapped motor sounder better but not good. and then I tried moving X and Y and Extruder, all were making grinding type sounds. My initial research made me think that I might have unplugged the z motor while live blowing the driver (I dont recall doing this but it's possible as I kept trying different solutions. But this doesn't explain why all the motors would be making noises now. I was only making adjustments to Z.

I swapped back in the OEM board and everything moved but it wasn't smooth or quiet or accurate. Something fried the motors in the 2-3 days after installing the board.

This was confiered today when I bought 1 new motor and moved it around the printer to hear the difference on each point. sounded like a cement mixer before and the normal stepper hum after in all 4 positions.. So I THINK something fried on the board but i KNOW my stepper motors are all fried.

hnmc20 commented 3 years ago

Maybe the drivers experience brownouts during printing that reset their settings? Does it happen on all the drivers at the same time?_

Does it happen on all the drivers at the same time?

Yes, I would have expected from a "mini" board made for ender type machines, to target a lower current range. It would yield better dynamic range for control and less burnt coils.