SKR2 + TMC5160 v1.2 + 24V power supply (17.5A)
Marlin v2.1.2.1
Stepper motors are noisy/vibrate at low, medium and high speeds (30mm/s, 60mm/s, 80mm/s, 120mm/s) when StealthChop is active
The stepper divers are used in SPI mode.
If StealthChop is deactivated the motors are not vibrating anymore
Hardware: SKR2 + TMC5160 v1.2 + 24V power supply (17.5A)
Software: Marlin v2.1.2.1
Issue: Stepper motors are noisy/vibrate at low, medium and high speeds (30mm/s, 60mm/s, 80mm/s, 120mm/s) when StealthChop is active The stepper divers are used in SPI mode. If StealthChop is deactivated the motors are not vibrating anymore
I have opened an issue in Marlin as well. https://github.com/MarlinFirmware/Marlin/issues/23248
Please help me figure out what the problem is?