bigtreetech / BIQU-B1

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Next release date? #22

Open GrahamJB opened 3 years ago

GrahamJB commented 3 years ago

Hi, are there any plans to release a firmware update aimed at the BIQU-B1?

I am currently writing a guide for the printer and I see a fair number of changes and improvements have been made in the TFT firmware, but as the guide is aimed at 'normal' users I definitely am not going to include compiling the firmware.

I just don't want to finish it and then find that it is out of date a few days later.

Graham Bland

thisiskeithb commented 3 years ago

You can find always-up-to-date B1 configs in the upstream Marlin Configurations repo (direct link), but the last stable release of Marlin was back in Oct. 2020.

2.0.8 is supposed to come out SoonTM, but that could be tomorrow, next week, next month, next...

hapklaar commented 3 years ago

I second this. For easy of use please provide precompiled images and configuration files for both Marlin and BTT TFT firmware v.x.x.27.

It would be great if this could be done every time a new version of either Marlin or the TFT firmware is released. This doesn't happen very often and the differences between B1 and original Marlin + BTT TFT versions are only minimal, so this should not be too much work.