bigtreetech / BTT-Pi

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Unable to enable TFT-35 SPI and Dedicated ADXL345 port at same time with KlipperScreen. #12

Closed zuverck closed 11 months ago

zuverck commented 11 months ago

When I connect my ADXL345 to the dedicated port on the BTT-PI and enable KlipperScreen I get a blank white screen.

If I enable one or the other I get both to work just fine without issue. But enabling both in BoardEnv.txt. will not work.

Using the following image: V2.3.2

BoardEnv.txt Setting

uncomment for TFT35_SPI screen


overlays=tft35_spi spidev1_2

uncomment to release 'spidev0.0' to user space overlays=spidev0_0

I am stumped as how to get both to work as the documentation for the BTT-PI has sections for wiring and enabling both options. But they will not work if both are enabled at the same time

zuverck commented 11 months ago

Solved - Didn't realize all the overlays had to be on the same line in the BoardEnv.txt.

Set "overlays=tft35_spi spidev1_2 spidev0_0" solved the issue.