bigtreetech / CB1

OS System image for CB1
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32-bit image #153

Open airbornetrooper82573 opened 10 months ago

airbornetrooper82573 commented 10 months ago

I have issues with CANbus and even after going from v1 board to v2 and now using CANbridge mode it's still happening. From research, it looks like 32-bit Bullseye is solving many of the issues. Is there a 32-bit image available for the CB1?

wai5138 commented 10 months ago

I have issues with CANbus and even after going from v1 board to v2 and now using CANbridge mode it's still happening. From research, it looks like 32-bit Bullseye is solving many of the issues. Is there a 32-bit image available for the CB1?

airbornetrooper82573 commented 10 months ago

I was able to resolve my issues by modifying code to TRSYNC_TIMEOUT = 0.025 to 0.05

sntlewis commented 6 months ago

reviving a dead thread? The change of the TRSYNC_TIMEOUT doesn't fix the problem completely. I still get the occasional timeout issue. So any chances of BTT adding a 32-Bit Bullseye/Bookworm image?

airbornetrooper82573 commented 6 months ago

reviving a dead thread? The change of the TRSYNC_TIMEOUT doesn't fix the problem completely. I still get the occasional timeout issue. So any chances of BTT adding a 32-Bit Bullseye/Bookworm image?

I know some recent changes with Klipper is supposed to help but I am still using the MCU modification and it works for me.

sntlewis commented 6 months ago

I just did a klipper update today. I generally give it couple of tries before jumping into updating the time out value.

viniavila commented 3 weeks ago

@airbornetrooper82573 I'm facing the same issue, TRSYNC_TIMEOUT helps. I'm using danger-klipper, which allows modify this parameter from printer.cfg.

multi_mcu_trsync_timeout: 0.075

But this parameter doesn't solve all the problems for me. I reduced my extruder microsteps to only 8 (stealthburner stepper is a 0.9 degree so full_steps_per_rotation: 400). Reducing print speed is essential, if I force 300 mm/s and more with detailed pieces, I falls into Timer Too Close error. Using 150 or 200 mm/s, I don't have any issues. Turning off Input Shaping also eliminates this issue. I did everything with the default 64bit image. I want to try 32bit to see if I can get some improvement.

I notice that my TTC errors are related to SB2209, which made me think the problem is this board being overloaded, so reducing data amount to process could help, hence my suggestions above. To avoid throttling because of overheating, I printed a modified cover which allows attach a 3010 5V Fan, that I connected to a +5V/GND in the board. Now the board sensor shows similar temperature to the chamber.

I don't have any problem compiling the OS image myself, but without clear instructions on how to target 32bit version, can be very painful.