bigtreetech / HermitCrab

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Hermit Crab V2 Canbus and Failed Probe port #27

Open 5teveO opened 2 months ago

5teveO commented 2 months ago

This may be a bit long winded.. but here goes.

I got a hermit crab V2 canbus from BTT a few weeks back. Flashed it with Katapult and then klipper and all was good from a firmware point of view. I have spent a bit of time building the rest of the machine up and there was a lot of wiring to do as there are a lot of btt external 5160 drivers, PSU control etc. Intention is to have a biqu microprobe running on the tool heads too (im coming from a canbus hermit crab 1)

Finally got to power the machine on and start configuration.. that all went fine too. Config was easy as it was a swap from an skr1.4t and hermit crab v1 canbus to an octopus pro 1.1 and hermit crab V2 canbus..

Started testing the microprobe - which worked very well on previous Hermit crab V1 - and I could not get it to deploy or to retract - which was strange as it worked fine with an identical config (excpet with pins changed to suit HC v2) - swapped probes, cables and even tool plates to see if any of those was an issue. Nothing.

Confirmed 5v was present, and then started testing the GPIO pins so did the query_probe in klipper with the following results - I did this for both GPIO24 being set up as the sensor pin and also with GPIO23 being setup as sensor pin GPIO24 open - triggered GPIO24 shorted to ground - triggered GPIO23 open - triggered GPIO23 shorted to ground - triggered

No change in state for either GPIO pins.

To confirm I also set up a BLTouch - same thing - on power up - self tests - then pin up / down does nothing and query probe shows open regardless of whether the pin is up or down.

Would it be possible to give me some guidance as to what else could be wrong?

With no schematics available (nor step files etc) I cannot really do any more troubleshooting. Is it possible the GPIO designation is wrong?

I've been guided though this by JamesH on the Klipper discord.. @bigtreetech @Alan.Ma

If anymore info is required.. please advise asap as I need to get this machine up and running.


5teveO commented 2 months ago

Ok i have investigated this a bit more by testing the GPIO's as best I can. It appears that GPIO22,23 and 24 are all non operational - I cannot heat the hot end and deploy / sense the probe.

GPIO 27/28 work and show correct temps GPIO14 runs FAN1 ok CAN communicates ok as far as I know so thats GPIO4/5 LIS2DW communicates too - so thats GPIO0/1 working. Motor (Extruder) responds to stepper buzz correctly so thats GPIO17/18/19/20/21 operational

Where do I go from here. Pretty Sad about it as the HC1 Canbus has been brilliant.


LancAir390 commented 2 months ago

Were you able to solve your issue?

Like you I had my microprobe working great with Hermit Crab CANbus v1, but have had no luck with Hermit Crab Can 2.

As an aside my hot end does heat up correctly.

I may have to return this one to Amazon marked as defective...

5teveO commented 2 months ago

Were you able to solve your issue?

Like you I had my microprobe working great with Hermit Crab CANbus v1, but have had no luck with Hermit Crab Can 2.

As an aside my hot end does heat up correctly.

I may have to return this one to Amazon marked as defective...

Nope - My conclusion was that the 3 gpio pins are dead for some reason. I received an emal from @bigtreetech Last Wednesday - to which I replied to.. and so far nothing - no response. As i bought it from the Biqu site I dont have the option to just return it, so If I dont get a response in a a few more days - or at least an update from them - I'll be exploring doing a chargeback from the credit card. I cant have my printer down for much longer and dont expect a week between emails.

I'd see if you can do some of the testing I did to prove the GPIO is dead. Did you copy the probe stuff from your HC1 config and change the pin numbers? Is your Microprobe a v1 or v2? Have you tested the probe on another machine? Happy to take a look if it helps... but i assume you know what you are doing... !

lotfinoluffy commented 1 month ago

have the same issues, so think the board are faulty, on both boards that ive ordered, and as usual no reply from the great renowned btt (add sarcasm here) just wondering @5teveO if you happen to test the filament runout sensor since i didnt see the pin number in github or the config file, thanks