bigtreetech / Manta-E3EZ

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the guide doesnt show all the pins!! #10

Closed MasterSe7en777 closed 1 year ago

MasterSe7en777 commented 1 year ago

im trying to add a dual Z stepper and i cant find the stepper pin so i can put it in the config, none of the stepper are labeled on the pinout please help

NVM i see them sorry

update again

nope Z-1 stepper is not listed

ok i have figured it out, no need to change config as Z and Z2 are the same

Valiance commented 1 year ago

I am right behind you on this, I am trying to add my Z2, and am not finding any references that work for the Pinout. Where did you find your pinout? I know some of the pins would be identical for Z & Z2, I was planning to have independent steppers so I could program the dual Z auto-leveling feature. I am stuck. (Does not help I have never used Klipper before.)

DarKingF0x commented 1 year ago

The dual z axis for this board is NOT independent. They should have been more clear on that. You can have two stepper motors plug into those two spots but they're going to run at the same time at the same pace they are not independent. If you want dual independent Z axis you're going to have to convert your second extruder Port into a Z1 and label your 1st zport as Z0. You will have to update your printer config.

MasterSe7en777 commented 1 year ago

Yeah sorry I didn't post my update, the z1 and z2 ports are tied together, if you look at the board traces they are both connected so basically only 1 driver controls them all I did was bump the current up to I believe 0.80 amps and it's totally fine driving both steppers

DarKingF0x commented 1 year ago

What z motors are you using? Creality?

Tw0pay commented 10 months ago

this is part of my config with Z1 taking place of E1

 #   STEPERS Z  #

step_pin: PD2
dir_pin: !PD4
enable_pin: !PD3
microsteps: 16
rotation_distance: 8
endstop_pin: probe:z_virtual_endstop
#position_endstop: 0
position_max: 250
#pozycja minimalna pewnie będzie na minusie, klipper z offset podaje jako dodatni w przeciwieństwie do ujemnego marlina
homing_speed: 25
second_homing_speed: 1
homing_retract_dist: 2
homing_retract_speed: 10
homing_retract_speed: 5

step_pin: PB7
dir_pin: !PB6
enable_pin: !PB4
microsteps: 16
rotation_distance: 8
Valiance commented 10 months ago

I resolved my Z & Z1 issues. What I would up doing: I used stepper_z as default, then used E1 (Not E0) to set up Stepper_z1 for the second separate z rod control. I used my pinouts for E1, and changed my printer.cfg file similar to what Tw0pay has listed above. I also setup z_tilt, as per Klipper.3D's configuration Now, my Z rods will run separately, and tune themselves level.