bigtreetech / Manta-E3EZ

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Poor canbus labelling #13

Closed Tina-Builds closed 1 year ago

Tina-Builds commented 1 year ago

The 'new' manual, pinout and schematics lack the information of how to connect to your canbus devices:

  1. The manual (vers. 4.4.2023) now has updated labels for the "FACAN" connectors, but NO info of which one to use AND NO info where the 120 Ohm resistor is!
  2. The pinout .png has now "FDCAN", BUT are both connectors with CAN_H and CAN_L and are connected CAN_H to TX PB13 and CAN_L to RX PB12 or is the right connector CAN_H and CAN_L and the left TX and RX???
  3. The schematics .pdf shows for "FDCAN": 3 pinouts, one jumper JP7 and two connectors P16 and P17 labelled with "CAN_P" and "CAN_N" . P17 has 2 red symbols beside it.

I guess the termination resistor "JP7" is the "120R" jumper direct below the "PWRDET" and left of "MFAN".

Please clarify: Which is P16 and which is P17! How to use P16 and P17 together, eg. if you have a Multi Material Unit pcb with CAN and a EBB42. Do set the terminal resistor here or only on the can devices (daisy chain rule, only 1st and last can device are to be terminated!). To extend that scenario: say this is an IDEX system with MMU and has can pcbs for the MMU(other company), the 2. x-axis(EBB36) and 2 for the tool heads(EBB42). If I GUESS right it could be connected: can MMU board (120R) ---- P16 of E3EZ (NO 120R) , P17 of E3EZ (NO 120R) --- EBB36 (NO 120R) -- EBB42 (NO 120R) - EBB42 (120R). ---- = longest cable ; - = shortest cable.

bigtreetech commented 1 year ago

I guess the termination resistor "JP7" is the "120R" jumper direct below the "PWRDET" and left of "MFAN".