bigtreetech / Manta-E3EZ

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Heating issues #19

Open Wmelonhead opened 1 year ago

Wmelonhead commented 1 year ago

I'm having trouble with the heating of my bed and nozzle. I just installed the Manta E3EZ on my Ender 3 V2. I previously had Klipper running on my raspberry pi and SKR Mini E3V3 on the same printer without any issues. I have the Manta E3EZ installed with a CB1 and Klipper and Mainsail installed.

Everything appears normal. However, when I print something, the bed and nozzle will both show in Mainsail that they are heating at the same time, when it is actually only heating the bed. Then, after the bed hits 60 degrees, the nozzle will start heating, but the temperature for the bed will keep increasing in Mainsail, when it's not actually heating. Once the bed temperature on Mainsail gets up to 130 or 150 degrees, the printer will shutoff.

If I change the nozzle thermister from TH0 to TH1 on the Manta, then the temperatures will act properly in Mainsail. However, when I measure my bed temperature with my temperature gun, the bed will be about 15 degrees over 60 degrees. When I measure the nozzle temperature, it will only be about 90 degrees, not 210. As a result, my first layer tests are horrible.

I have also tried switching the extruder and power for the nozzle heater to the E1 connections, as well, with no results.

Can someone please help me with this issue. I can't seem to find anyone else having this issue, so maybe I have just done something stupid? I am attaching my printer.cfg file. Thanks for any help. And yes I know I have a lot of things in my config file. I will create separate directories for them later and cut the fat. 20230504_202356 20230504_202448

Wmelonhead commented 1 year ago

Here is my config file if you don't want to open the zip:

[include mainsail.cfg]

[include printer-ender3.cfg]

[include macros.cfg]

This file contains common pin mappings for the BIGTREETECH Manta E3EZ

To use this config, the firmware should be compiled for the

STM32G0B1 with a "8KiB bootloader" "8 MHz crystal"

and "USB (on PA11/PA12)" or "CAN bus (on PB12/PB13)".

See docs/ for a description of parameters.

[stepper_x] step_pin: PA14 dir_pin: !PA10 enable_pin: !PA13 microsteps: 16 rotation_distance: 39.800 endstop_pin: ^PC4 position_endstop: 0 position_max: 235 homing_speed: 50

[stepper_y] step_pin: PC8 dir_pin: !PA15 enable_pin: !PC14 microsteps: 16 rotation_distance: 39.756 endstop_pin: ^PB0 position_endstop: 0 position_max: 235 homing_speed: 50

[stepper_z] step_pin: PD2 dir_pin: !PD4 enable_pin: !PD3 microsteps: 16 rotation_distance: 7.967 endstop_pin: ^PC6 endstop_pin: probe:z_virtual_endstop

position_endstop: 0

position_min: 0 position_max: 270

[stepper_z1] step_pin: PD5 dir_pin: !PD6 enable_pin: !PB3 microsteps: 16 rotation_distance: 7.967 endstop_pin: ^PC6 endstop_pin: probe:z_virtual_endstop

position_endstop: 0

position_min: -5

position_max: 270

[extruder] step_pin: PB7 dir_pin: PB6 enable_pin: !PB4 microsteps: 16 rotation_distance: 7.583 nozzle_diameter: 0.400 filament_diameter: 1.750 pressure_advance: 0.0 pressure_advance_smooth_time: 0.040 heater_pin: PB10 #HE0 sensor_type: EPCOS 100K B57560G104F sensor_pin: PA5 #TH0

control: pid

pid_Kp: 21.527

pid_Ki: 1.063

pid_Kd: 108.982

min_temp: 0 max_temp: 250

pressure_advance_smooth_time: A time range (in seconds) to use when calculating the average

extruder velocity for pressure advance. A larger value results in

smoother extruder movements. This parameter may not exceed 200ms.

This setting only applies if pressure_advance is non-zero. The

default is 0.040 (40 milliseconds).

PID_CALIBRATE HEATER=extruder TARGET=XXX (Whatever temp you print at)

[filament_switch_sensor material_0]

switch_pin: PC5


step_pin: PB7

dir_pin: PB6

enable_pin: !PB4

heater_pin: PB10 # HE1

sensor_pin: PA5 # T1

[filament_switch_sensor BTT]

detection_length: 7

extruder: extruder

pause_on_runout: True

This can be set to false to debug false positives putting the sensor in "monitor mode". The printer will not pause but it will run the runout_gcode below.

switch_pin: ^PC5

event_delay: 3.0

pause_delay: 0.5


#M117 Runout Detected!

[filament_motion_sensor BTT] detection_length: 10.00 ; This can be adjusted to your desired level of sensitivity. 10 is a recomended value to prevent flow dropoff false triggers. extruder: extruder switch_pin: ^PC5 pause_on_runout: True ; This can be set to false to debug false positives putting the sensor in "monitor mode". The printer will not pause but it will run the runout_gcode below. event_delay: 3.0 pause_delay: 0.5 runout_gcode: M117 Runout Detected!

[delayed_gcode DISABLEFILAMENTSENSOR] ; This will disable the SFS 1 second after klipper starts initial_duration: 1 gcode: SET_FILAMENT_SENSOR SENSOR=BTT ENABLE=0 ; Put your filament sensor's name after SENSOR=

[heater_bed] heater_pin: PB2 #HB sensor_type: EPCOS 100K B57560G104F #Generic 3950 sensor_pin: PA3 #TB

control: pid

tuned for stock hardware with 50 degree Celsius target

pid_Kp: 76.222

pid_Ki: 1.224

pid_Kd: 1186.204

min_temp: 0 max_temp: 250


[fan] pin: PA8

[heater_fan fan1] pin: PB15

[heater_fan fan2] pin: PB14

[mcu] serial: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Klipper_stm32g0b1xx_590028000C504B5735313920-if00

[virtual_sdcard] path: /home/biqu/printer_data/gcodes

[printer] kinematics: cartesian max_velocity: 300 max_accel: 3000 max_z_velocity: 5 max_z_accel: 100 square_corner_velocity: 5.0

The maximum velocity (in mm/s) that the toolhead may travel a 90

degree corner at. A non-zero value can reduce changes in extruder

flow rates by enabling instantaneous velocity changes of the

toolhead during cornering. This value configures the internal

centripetal velocity cornering algorithm; corners with angles

larger than 90 degrees will have a higher cornering velocity while

corners with angles less than 90 degrees will have a lower

cornering velocity. If this is set to zero then the toolhead will

decelerate to zero at each corner. The default is 5mm/s.


TMC2209 configuration


[tmc2209 stepper_x] uart_pin: PB8 diag_pin: PC4 run_current: 0.596 hold_current: 0.516 stealthchop_threshold: 999999

[tmc2209 stepper_y] uart_pin: PC9 diag_pin: PB0 run_current: 0.596 hold_current: 0.516 stealthchop_threshold: 999999

[tmc2209 stepper_z] uart_pin: PD0 diag_pin: PC6 run_current: 0.596

run_hold: 0.516

stealthchop_threshold: 999999

[tmc2209 stepper_z1] uart_pin: PB5 diag_pin: PB1 run_current: 0.596

run_hold: 0.516

stealthchop_threshold: 999999

[tmc2209 extruder]

uart_pin: PD1

run_current: 0.800

stealthchop_threshold: 999999

[tmc2209 extruder1]

uart_pin: PB5

run_current: 0.800

stealthchop_threshold: 999999

[board_pins] aliases:

EXP1 header

EXP1_1=PC1, EXP1_3=PC3, EXP1_5=PC0, EXP1_7=PA2, EXP1_9=<GND>,
EXP1_2=PC2,  EXP1_4=<RST>, EXP1_6=PA0, EXP1_8=PA1, EXP1_10=<5V>

[bltouch] sensor_pin: PA6 control_pin: PA7 x_offset: -29 y_offset: -41

z_offset: 0 # Uncomment if starting fresh; Distance should be enough to keep the z-offset positive.

speed: 5.0 samples: 2 samples_result: median sample_retract_dist: 6.0 samples_tolerance: 0.01 samples_tolerance_retries: 3

[output_pin PS_ON]

pin: PA9

[output_pin pb9_pin]

pin: PB9

[neopixel my_neopixel]

pin: PC7

[resonance_tester] accel_chip: adxl345 probe_points: 100, 100, 20 # an example

max_smoothing: 0.25

[adxl345] cs_pin: PC15 spi_software_miso_pin: PC11 spi_software_mosi_pin: PC12 spi_software_sclk_pin: PC10

shaper_freq_x: 52.6 # frequency for the X mark of the test model
shaper_freq_y: 49.2 # frequency for the Y mark of the test model

shaper_type: mzv

shaper_type_x: mzv shaper_type_y: 2hump_ei

If shaper_type is not set, these two parameters can be used to

configure different input shapers for X and Y axes. The same

values are supported as for shaper_type parameter.

damping_ratio_x: 0.1 damping_ratio_y: 0.1

Damping ratios of vibrations of X and Y axes used by input shapers

to improve vibration suppression. Default value is 0.1 which is a

good all-round value for most printers. In most circumstances this

parameter requires no tuning and should not be changed.

[bed_screws] screw1: 30.5, 37 screw2: 30.5, 207 screw3: 204.5, 207 screw4: 204.5, 37

[display] lcd_type: st7920 cs_pin: EXP1_7 sclk_pin: EXP1_6 sid_pin: EXP1_8 encoder_pins: ^EXP1_5, ^EXP1_3 click_pin: ^!EXP1_2

[output_pin beeper] pin: EXP1_1

[safe_z_home] home_xy_position: 117.5,117.5 # Change coordinates to the center of your print bed speed: 100 z_hop: 10 # Move up 10mm z_hop_speed: 5

[bed_mesh] speed: 120 horizontal_move_z: 5 mesh_min: 10, 37 mesh_max: 206, 183 # Make sure X,Y here meets these conditions (X+(bltouch+x_offset) < bed X) and (Y+(bltouch+y_offset) < Bed Y) probe_count: 10,10 move_check_distance: 5 split_delta_z: 0.025 fade_start: 1 fade_end: 10 mesh_pps: 2, 2 algorithm: bicubic

The interpolation algorithm to use. May be either "lagrange" or

"bicubic". This option will not affect 3x3 grids, which are forced

to use lagrange sampling. Default is lagrange.

bicubic_tension: .2

When using the bicubic algorithm the tension parameter above may

be applied to change the amount of slope interpolated. Larger

numbers will increase the amount of slope, which results in more

curvature in the mesh. Default is .2.


A point index in the mesh to reference all z values to. Enabling

this parameter produces a mesh relative to the probed z position

at the provided index.



Optional points that define a faulty region. See docs/

for details on faulty regions. Up to 99 faulty regions may be added.

By default no faulty regions are set.

[z_tilt] z_positions: 250, 117.5 15, 117.5

A list of X, Y coordinates (one per line; subsequent lines

indented) describing the location of each bed "pivot point". The

"pivot point" is the point where the bed attaches to the given Z

stepper. It is described using nozzle coordinates (the X, Y position

of the nozzle if it could move directly above the point). The

first entry corresponds to stepper_z, the second to stepper_z1,

the third to stepper_z2, etc. This parameter must be provided.

points: 225,110 40, 110

A list of X, Y coordinates (one per line; subsequent lines

indented) that should be probed during a Z_TILT_ADJUST command.

Specify coordinates of the nozzle and be sure the probe is above

the bed at the given nozzle coordinates. This parameter must be


speed: 150

The speed (in mm/s) of non-probing moves during the calibration.

The default is 50.

horizontal_move_z: 5

The height (in mm) that the head should be commanded to move to

just prior to starting a probe operation. The default is 5.

retries: 30

Number of times to retry if the probed points aren't within


retry_tolerance: 0.0025

If retries are enabled then retry if largest and smallest probed

points differ more than retry_tolerance. Note the smallest unit of

change here would be a single step. However if you are probing

more points than steppers then you will likely have a fixed

minimum value for the range of probed points which you can learn

by observing command output.


SET THIS DEFAULT CARFULLY - start really low

{% set my_current = params.CURRENT|default(0.12)|float %} ; adjust crash current on the fly :D
{% set oldcurrent = printer.configfile.settings["tmc2209 stepper_z"].run_current %} ; TODO: Find runtime current settings
{% set oldhold = printer.configfile.settings["tmc2209 stepper_z"].hold_current %} 
{% set x_max = printer.toolhead.axis_maximum.x %} 
{% set y_max = printer.toolhead.axis_maximum.y %} 
{% set z_max = printer.toolhead.axis_maximum.z %} 
{% set fast_move_z = printer.configfile.settings["printer"].max_z_velocity %}
{% set fast_move = printer.configfile.settings["printer"].max_velocity %}
M117 {printer.homed_axes}
{% if printer.homed_axes != 'xyz' %}
    G28                         #Home All Axes
{% endif %}
G90 ; absolute
G0 X{x_max / 2} Y{y_max / 2} F{fast_move * 30 } ;put toolhead in the center of the gantry

G0 Z{z_max -1} F{fast_move_z * 60 } ; go to the Z-max at speed max z speed

SET_TMC_CURRENT STEPPER=stepper_z CURRENT={my_current} ; drop current on Z stepper

{% if printer.configfile.settings["stepper_z1"] %} ; test for dual Z
    SET_TMC_CURRENT STEPPER=stepper_z1 CURRENT={my_current} ; drop current
{% endif %}

G4 P200 ; Probably not necessary, it is here just for sure

SET_KINEMATIC_POSITION Z={z_max - 12} ; Trick printer into beleiving the gantry is 12mm lower than it is

G1 Z{z_max -2} F{6 * 60} ; try to move 10mm up
G4 P200 ; wait
G1 Z{z_max -6} F{6 * 60} ; move 4mm down
G4 P200 ; same as the first one

SET_TMC_CURRENT STEPPER=stepper_z CURRENT={oldcurrent} HOLDCURRENT={oldhold}

{% if printer.configfile.settings["stepper_z1"] %} ; test for dual Z
    SET_TMC_CURRENT STEPPER=stepper_z1 CURRENT={oldcurrent} HOLDCURRENT={oldhold} ; reset current
{% endif %}

G1 Z{z_max -30} F{6 * 60} ; move to 30mm below z-max to allow homing movement

G4 P200 ; same as the first one
G28 Z ; we MUST home again as the ganty is really in the wrong place.


[menu _main _setup _calib _mech_gantry_calibrate]

type: command

enable: {not printer.idle_timeout.state == "Printing"}

name: G34 Gantry Level



[force_move] enable_force_move: true ; enable FORCE_MOVE and SET_KINEMATIC_POSITION

[gcode_macro my_cmd]


A list of G-Code commands to execute in place of "my_cmd". See

docs/ for G-Code format. This parameter must

be provided.


One may specify any number of options with a "variable_" prefix.

The given variable name will be assigned the given value (parsed

as a Python literal) and will be available during macro expansion.

For example, a config with "variable_fan_speed = 75" might have

gcode commands containing "M106 S{ fan_speed * 255 }". Variables

can be changed at run-time using the SET_GCODE_VARIABLE command

(see docs/ for details). Variable names may

not use upper case characters.


This option will cause the macro to override an existing G-Code

command and provide the previous definition of the command via the

name provided here. This can be used to override builtin G-Code

commands. Care should be taken when overriding commands as it can

cause complex and unexpected results. The default is to not

override an existing G-Code command.

description: G-Code macro

This will add a short description used at the HELP command or while

using the auto completion feature. Default "G-Code macro"

[gcode_macro G29] gcode: BED_MESH_CALIBRATE

[gcode_macro G29]




G1 X15 Y15 Z15


screw1: 32,36

screw1_name: front_left

screw2: 32,206

screw2_name: front_right

screw3: 202,206

screw3_name: back_left

screw4: 202,36

screw4_name: back_right

Additional bed leveling screws. At least two screws must be


speed: 50

horizontal_move_z: 5

screw_thread: CW-M3

[gcode_macro PREHEAT_NOZZLE]


M104 S210

[gcode_macro PREHEAT_BED]


M140 S60

[gcode_macro PREHEAT_NOZZLE_BED]


{% set BED = params.BED|default(65)|float %}

{% set EXTRUDER = params.EXTRUDER|default(195)|float %}

{% set PREHEAT = (EXTRUDER * 0.6)|default(120)|float %}

M140 S{BED} ; set final bed temp

M104 S{PREHEAT} ; set temporary nozzle temp to prevent oozing

M190 S{BED} ; wait for bed temp to stabilize

M104 S{EXTRUDER} ; set final nozzle temp

[gcode_macro FILAMENT_LOAD] gcode: M83 # Put the extruder into relative mode G92 E0.0 # Reset the extruder so that it thinks it is at position zero G1 E50 F350 # Move the extruder forward 120mm at a speed of 350mm/minute G92 E0.0 # Reset the extruder again M82 # Put the extruder back into absolute mode.

[gcode_macro FILAMENT_UNLOAD] gcode: M83 # Put the extruder into relative mode G92 E0.0 # Reset the extruder so that it thinks it is at position zero G1 E-50 F350 # Move the extruder forward 120mm at a speed of 350mm/minute G92 E0.0 # Reset the extruder again M82 # Put the extruder back into absolute mode.




All customizations are documented in globals.cfg. Just copy a variable from

there into the section below, and change the value to meet your needs.

[gcode_macro _km_options]

These are examples of some likely customizations:

Any sheets in the below list will be available with a configurable offset.

variable_bed_surfaces: ['smooth_1','texture_1']

Length (in mm) of filament to load (bowden tubes will be longer).

variable_load_length: 50.0

Hide the Octoprint LCD menu since I don't use it.

variable_menu_show_octoprint: False

Customize the filament menus (up to 10 entries).

variable_menu_temperature: [

{'name' : 'PLA', 'extruder' : 200.0, 'bed' : 60.0},

{'name' : 'PETG', 'extruder' : 230.0, 'bed' : 85.0},

{'name' : 'ABS', 'extruder' : 245.0, 'bed' : 110.0, 'chamber' : 60}]

Length of filament (in millimeters) to purge at print start.

variable_start_purge_length: 30 # This value works for most setups.

gcode: # This line is required by Klipper.

Any code you put here will run at klipper startup, after the initialization

for these macros. For example, you could uncomment the following line to

automatically adjust your bed surface offsets to account for any changes made

to your Z endstop or probe offset.


This line includes all the standard macros.

[include klipper-macros/*.cfg]

Uncomment to include features that require specific hardware support.

LCD menu support for features like bed surface selection and pause next layer.

[include klipper-macros/optional/lcd_menus.cfg]

Optimized bed leveling

[include klipper-macros/optional/bed_mesh.cfg]

The sections below here are required for the macros to work.

[idle_timeout] gcode: _KM_IDLE_TIMEOUT [pause_resume]


[save_variables] filename: /home/biqu/printer_data/config/variables.cfg # UPDATE THIS FOR YOUR PATH!!!

[virtual_sdcard] path: /home/biqu/printer_data/gcodes

The path of the local directory on the host machine to look for

g-code files. This is a read-only directory (sdcard file writes

are not supported). One may point this to OctoPrint's upload

directory (generally ~/.octoprint/uploads/ ). This parameter must

be provided.


A list of G-Code commands to execute when an error is reported.


Uncomment the sections below if Fluidd complains (because it's confused).


[gcode_macro CANCEL_PRINT]

rename_existing: CANCEL_PRINT_BASE

gcode: CANCEL_PRINT_BASE{% for k in params %}{' '~k~'='~params[k]}{% endfor %}



[gcode_macro CANCEL_PRINT] description: Cancel the actual running print rename_existing: CANCEL_PRINT_BASE gcode: TURN_OFF_HEATERS CANCEL_PRINT_BASE G91 G1 z50 F600 G90

M117 DISABLING the Smart Filament Sensor
G92 E0
SET_FILAMENT_SENSOR SENSOR=BTT ENABLE=0 ; Put your filament sensor's name after SENSOR=

[gcode_macro PAUSE] description: Pause the actual running print rename_existing: PAUSE_BASE

change this if you need more or less extrusion

variable_extrude: 1.0 gcode:

read E from pause macro
{% set E = printer["gcode_macro PAUSE"].extrude|float %}
##### set park positon for x and y #####
# default is your max posion from your printer.cfg
{% set x_park = printer.toolhead.axis_maximum.x|float - 5.0 %}
{% set y_park = printer.toolhead.axis_maximum.y|float - 5.0 %}
##### calculate save lift position #####
{% set max_z = printer.toolhead.axis_maximum.z|float %}
{% set act_z = printer.toolhead.position.z|float %}
{% if act_z < (max_z - 2.0) %}
    {% set z_safe = 2.0 %}
{% else %}
    {% set z_safe = max_z - act_z %}
{% endif %}
##### end of definitions #####
{% if printer.extruder.can_extrude|lower == 'true' %}
  G1 E-{E} F2100
{% else %}
  {action_respond_info("Extruder not hot enough")}
{% endif %}
{% if "xyz" in printer.toolhead.homed_axes %}
  G1 Z{z_safe} F900
  G1 X{x_park} Y{y_park} F6000
{% else %}
  {action_respond_info("Printer not homed")}
{% endif %} 

[gcode_macro RESUME] description: Resume the actual running print rename_existing: RESUME_BASE gcode:

read E from pause macro
{% set E = printer["gcode_macro PAUSE"].extrude|float %}
#### get VELOCITY parameter if specified ####
{% if 'VELOCITY' in params|upper %}
  {% set get_params = ('VELOCITY=' + params.VELOCITY)  %}
{%else %}
  {% set get_params = "" %}
{% endif %}
##### end of definitions #####
{% if printer.extruder.can_extrude|lower == 'true' %}
  G1 E{E} F2100
{% else %}
  {action_respond_info("Extruder not hot enough")}
{% endif %}  
RESUME_BASE {get_params}

[gcode_macro bed_mesh_calibrate_fast] description: Wraps BED_MESH_CALIBRATE, scaling probe count to specified area. Usage: See Klipper documentation. gcode: {% set km = printer["gcode_macro _km_globals"] %} {% set probe_mesh_padding = km.probe_mesh_padding %} {% set probe_min_count = km.probe_min_count %} {% set probe_count_scale = km.probe_count_scale %} {% set bed_mesh = printer.configfile.config.bed_mesh %}

Don't have the math functions available to work on a delta bed, and

not sure how to make relative reference index work.

{%if "mesh_radius" not in bed_mesh and "MESH_RADIUS" not in params and "relative_reference_index" not in bed_mesh and "RELATIVE_REFERENCE_INDEX" not in params %} {% set safe_min_x = bed_mesh.mesh_min.split(",")[0]|float %} {% set safe_min_y = bed_mesh.mesh_min.split(",")[1]|float %} {% set safe_max_x = bed_mesh.mesh_max.split(",")[0]|float %} {% set safe_max_y = bed_mesh.mesh_max.split(",")[1]|float %}

# Always bound MESH_MIN and MESH_MAX.
{% if "MESH_MIN" in params %}
  {% set mesh_min_x = (params.MESH_MIN.split(",")[0]|float -
                       probe_mesh_padding, safe_min_x)|max %}
  {% set mesh_min_y = (params.MESH_MIN.split(",")[1]|float -
                       probe_mesh_padding, safe_min_y)|max %}
{% else %}
  {% set mesh_min_x = safe_min_x %}
  {% set mesh_min_y = safe_min_y %}
{% endif %}
{% if "MESH_MAX" in params %}
  {% set mesh_max_x = (params.MESH_MAX.split(",")[0]|float +
                       probe_mesh_padding, safe_max_x)|min %}
  {% set mesh_max_y = (params.MESH_MAX.split(",")[1]|float +
                       probe_mesh_padding, safe_max_y)|min %}
{% else %}
  {% set mesh_max_x = safe_max_x %}
  {% set mesh_max_y = safe_max_y %}
{% endif %}

{% set probe_count = (params.PROBE_COUNT |
                      default(bed_mesh.probe_count)).split(",") %}
# Don't scale the probe count if one was explicitly provided.
{% if "PROBE_COUNT" not in params %}
    {% set max_x_probes = probe_count[0]|int %}
    {% set max_y_probes = probe_count[1]|default(max_x_probes)|int %}

    {% set x_probes = (max_x_probes * (mesh_max_x - mesh_min_x) /
                    (safe_max_x - safe_min_x) * probe_count_scale)
                    | round(0) | int %}
    {% set x_probes = ((x_probes, probe_min_count)|max, max_x_probes)|min %}

    {% set y_probes = (max_y_probes * (mesh_max_y - mesh_min_y ) /
                    (safe_max_y - safe_min_y) * probe_count_scale )
                    | round(0) | int %}
    {% set y_probes = ((y_probes, probe_min_count)|max, max_y_probes)|min %}
    # Add probes for bicubic if one axis has too many probes for lagrange.
    {% if x_probes > 6 and y_probes < 4 %}
      {% set y_probes = 4 %}
    {% elif y_probes > 6 and x_probes < 4 %}
      {% set x_probes = 4 %}
    {% endif %}
    {% set probe_count = [x_probes,y_probes] %}
{% endif %}
{% set dummy = params.__setitem__("MESH_MIN", mesh_min_x~","~mesh_min_y) %}
{% set dummy = params.__setitem__("MESH_MAX", mesh_max_x~","~mesh_max_y) %}
{% set dummy = params.__setitem__("PROBE_COUNT", probe_count|join(',')) %}
# Force bicubic if we've exceeded the max for lagrange.
{% if probe_count[0]|int > 6 or probe_count[1]|default(0)|int > 6 %}
  {% set dummy = params.__setitem__("ALGORITHM", "bicubic") %}
{% endif %}

{% endif %} {% if printer["gcode_macro bed_mesh_calibrate"].km_override|default(False) %} {% set calibrate_cmd = "_km_bed_mesh_calibrate_base" %} {% else %} {% set calibrate_cmd = "BED_MESH_CALIBRATE" %} {% endif %} BED_MESH_CHECK {calibrate_cmd}{%for k in params%}{' '~k~'="'~params[k]~'"'}{%endfor%}

[gcode_macro bed_mesh_check] description: Warns if bed_mesh config may generate an invalid mesh. Usage: See Klipper documentation. gcode: {% if printer.bed_mesh is defined %} {% set x_min = printer.configfile.settings.stepper_x.position_min %} {% set y_min = printer.configfile.settings.stepper_y.position_min %} {% set x_max = printer.configfile.settings.stepper_x.position_max %} {% set y_max = printer.configfile.settings.stepper_y.position_max %}

{% set mesh_min_x = printer.configfile.settings.bed_mesh.mesh_min[0] %}
{% set mesh_min_y = printer.configfile.settings.bed_mesh.mesh_min[1] %}
{% set mesh_max_x = printer.configfile.settings.bed_mesh.mesh_max[0] %}
{% set mesh_max_y = printer.configfile.settings.bed_mesh.mesh_max[1] %}

{% if "bltouch" in printer.configfile.settings %}
    {% set x_offset = printer.configfile.settings.bltouch.x_offset %}
    {% set y_offset = printer.configfile.settings.bltouch.y_offset %}
    {% set probe = "bltouch" %}
{% elif "probe" in printer.configfile.settings %}
    {% set x_offset = printer.configfile.settings.probe.x_offset %}
    {% set y_offset = printer.configfile.settings.probe.y_offset %}
    {% set probe = "probe" %}
{% else %}
    {% set x_offset = 0.0 %}
    {% set y_offset = 0.0 %}
{% endif %}

{% set output = [] %}
{% set warn =
     "* bed_mesh.mesh_%s (%f, %f) does not account for " ~ probe ~
     ".%s_offset (%f) and can move out of range for "
     "stepper_%s.position_%s (%f)." %}
{% if x_offset > 0 and (mesh_min_x - x_offset) < x_min %}
  {% set dummy = output.append(warn % ('min', mesh_min_x, mesh_min_y,
                                       'x', x_offset, 'x', 'min', x_min)) %}
{% elif x_offset < 0 and (mesh_max_x - x_offset) > x_max %}
  {% set dummy = output.append(warn % ('max', mesh_max_x, mesh_max_y,
                                       'x', x_offset, 'x', 'max', x_max)) %}
{% endif %}
{% if y_offset > 0 and (mesh_min_y - y_offset) < y_min %}
  {% set dummy = output.append(warn % ('min', mesh_min_x, mesh_min_y,
                                       'y', y_offset, 'y', 'min', y_min)) %}
{% elif y_offset < 0 and (mesh_max_y - y_offset) > y_max %}
  {% set dummy = output.append(warn % ('max', mesh_max_x, mesh_max_y,
                                       'y', y_offset, 'y', 'max', y_max)) %}
{% endif %}

{% if output %}
  { action_respond_info(
    "Warning: The following issue(s) were detected in your [bed_mesh] "
    " config:\n" ~ output|join("\n")) }
{% endif %}

{% endif %}


Start Print and End Print


Replace the slicer's custom start and end g-code scripts with


[gcode_macro START_PRINT] gcode: ; Ender 3 Custom Start G-code M117 ENABLING the Smart Filament Sensor G92 E0 ; Reset Extruder SET_FILAMENT_SENSOR SENSOR=BTT ENABLE=1 ; Put your filament sensor's name after SENSOR= {% set BED_TEMP = params.BED_TEMP|default(60)|float %} {% set EXTRUDER_TEMP = params.EXTRUDER_TEMP|default(210)|float %}

Start bed heating

# Use absolute coordinates
# Reset the G-Code Z offset (adjust Z offset if needed)
# Home the printer
# Move the nozzle near the bed
G1 Z5 F3000
# Move the nozzle very close to the bed
G1 Z0.15 F300
# Wait for bed to reach temperature
# Set and wait for nozzle to reach temperature
M117 Priming
; Start of print
G21; metric values
G90 ; absolute positioning
M82; set extruder to absolute mode
#M420 S1 V1
G1 Z2.0 F3000 ; Move Z Axis up little to prevent scratching of Heat Bed
G1 X0.4 Y20 Z0.3 F5000.0 ; Move to start position
G1 X0.4 Y200.0 Z0.3 F1500.0 E15 ; Draw the first line
G1 X0.7 Y200.0 Z0.3 F5000.0 ; Move to side a little
G1 X0.7 Y20 Z0.3 F1500.0 E30 ; Draw the second line
G92 E0 ; Reset Extruder
G1 Z2.0 F3000 ; Move Z Axis up little to prevent scratching of Heat Bed
G1 X5 Y20 Z0.3 F5000.0 ; Move over to prevent blob squish
;Tuning params
;Put printing message on LCD screen
M117 Printing...


#{% set BED_TEMP = params.BED_TEMP|default(60)|float %}
#{% set EXTRUDER_TEMP = params.EXTRUDER_TEMP|default(190)|float %}
# Start bed heating
# Use absolute coordinates
# Reset the G-Code Z offset (adjust Z offset if needed)
# Home the printer
# Move the nozzle near the bed
#G1 Z5 F3000
# Move the nozzle very close to the bed
#G1 Z0.15 F300

# Wait for bed to reach temperature
# Set and wait for nozzle to reach temperature


[gcode_macro END_PRINT] gcode: G91 ;Relative positioning G1 E-2 F2700 ;Retract a bit G1 E-2 Z0.2 F2400 ;Retract and raise Z G1 X5 Y5 F3000 ;Wipe out G1 Z10 ;Raise Z more G90 ;Absolute positioning

G1 X0 Y{machine_depth} ;Present print
M106 S0 ;Turn-off fan
M104 S0 ;Turn-off hotend
M140 S0 ;Turn-off bed

M84 X Y E ;Disable all steppers but Z

M117 DISABLING the Smart Filament Sensor
G92 E0
SET_FILAMENT_SENSOR SENSOR=BTT ENABLE=0 ; Put your filament sensor's name after SENSOR=

# Turn off bed, extruder, and fan
#M140 S0
#M104 S0
#M106 S0
# Move nozzle away from print while retracting
#G1 X-2 Y-2 E-3 F300
# Raise nozzle by 10mm
#G1 Z10 F3000
# Disable steppers


Filament Change


M600: Filament Change. This macro will pause the printer, move the

tool to the change position, and retract the filament 50mm. Adjust

the retraction settings for your own extruder. After filament has

been changed, the print can be resumed from its previous position

with the "RESUME" gcode.


[gcode_macro M600]


#{% set X = params.X|default(50)|float %}
#{% set Y = params.Y|default(0)|float %}
#{% set Z = params.Z|default(10)|float %}
#G1 E-.8 F2700
#G1 Z{Z}
#G1 X{X} Y{Y} F3000
#G1 E-50 F1000

Declare any of the below variables in your own [gcode_macro _km_options] to

to override the values here.




This file handles the initialization for all the macros, and difficult to

diagnose errors will result from unexpected values or code changes.

# ################################################################################ [gcode_macro _km_globals]

Available bed surfaces for offset adjustments.

variable_bed_surface_max_name_length: 10

Available bed surfaces for offset adjustments.

variable_bed_surfaces: ['default']

Default beep frequency (in Hz) for M300 command.

variable_beep_frequency: 1000

Default beep duration (in ms) for M300 command.

variable_beep_duration: 100

Length (in mm) of filament to load (bowden tubes will be longer).

variable_load_length: 90.0

Filament loading speed (in mm/m).

variable_load_speed: 300

Length (in mm) of the filament loading that feeds at priming speed.

variable_load_priming_length: 25.0

Filament priming speed (in mm/m).

variable_load_priming_speed: 150

Set to False to hide the Octoprint LCD menus.

variable_menu_show_octoprint: True

Set to False to hide the SD Card LCD menus.

variable_menu_show_sdcard: True

List up to 10 pre-heat settings in order for the LCD "Temperature" menu

variable_menu_temperature: [ {'name' : 'PLA', 'extruder' : 200, 'bed' : 60}, {'name' : 'PETG', 'extruder' : 230, 'bed' : 85}, {'name' : 'ABS', 'extruder' : 245, 'bed' : 110}]

X position to park the toolhead.

variable_park_x: 0.0

Y position to park the toolhead.

variable_park_y: 0.0

Z position to park the toolhead.

variable_park_z: 20.0

Minimum printable XY coordinate. Defaults to X and Y position_min.

variable_print_min: () # example: (0, 0)

Maximum printable XY coordinate. Defaults to X and Y position_max.

variable_print_max: () # example: (220, 220)

Scaling factor for M900 command (negative values make M900 a no-op).

variable_pressure_advance_scale: -1.0

Additional padding around the specified print area for a bed mesh.

variable_probe_mesh_padding : 5.0

Minimum number of probes for partial probing of a bed mesh.

variable_probe_min_count: 3

Scaling factor to increase probe count for partial bed probes.

variable_probe_count_scale: 1.0

Additional delay (in ms) during bed heating, to allow the bed to stabilize.

variable_start_bed_heat_delay: 2000

Amount (in degrees C) to overshoot bed target temp before stabilizing.

variable_start_bed_heat_overshoot: 2.0

Set to clear adjustments (e.g. feedrate, extrusion, heater) at end of print.

variable_start_clear_adjustments_at_end: True

Final Y position of toolhead in PRINT_END. Defaults to print_max Y.

variable_start_end_park_y: 0.0

Extruder scale factor during pre-warmup in PRINT_START.

variable_start_extruder_preheat_scale: 0.5

Set the extruder target temp before bed level in PRINT_START.

variable_start_extruder_set_target_before_level: True

Optional gcode run after all prep is complete, immediately before purge/print.

variable_start_gcode_before_print: ''

Set to rehome Z in PRINT_START after bed temp stabilizes; False to disable.

variable_start_home_z_at_temp: True

Set to level bed in PRINT_START after bed temp stabilizes; False to disable.

variable_start_level_bed_at_temp: True

Distance (in millimeters) between the purge lines and the print area.

variable_start_purge_clearance: 2.0

Length of filament (in millimeters) to purge at print start.

variable_start_purge_length: 0.0 # 30 is a good starting point.

Length of filament (in millimeters) to prime before drawing purge lines.

variable_start_purge_prime_length: 12.0

Level gantry in PRINT_START after bed temp stabilizes; False to disable.

variable_start_quad_gantry_level_at_temp: True

Adjust Z tilt in PRINT_START after bed temp stabilizes; False to disable.

variable_start_z_tilt_adjust_at_temp: True

X and Y travel speed (in mm/m) for movement macros.

variable_travel_speed_xy: 3000

Z travel speed in (mm/m) for movement macros.

variable_travel_speed_z: 600

Value to scale acceleration by when setting ACCEL_TO_DECEL in M204, etc.

variable_velocity_decel_scale: 0.5 ################################################################################ description: Initializes our globals, including any _km_options overrides. gcode:

Doing a shutdown here is a bit aggressive, but if we're missing required

sections then a lot of things could go very bad later.

To minimize the annoyance we try to identify all the fatal errors at once.

format is:

key = required config section

value[0] = required field in section

value[1] = required string in field

A "None" value means there's no required field

{% set required_sections = {"heater_bed" : None, "extruder" : None, "gcode_macro _km_options" : None, "idle_timeout" : ("gcode", "_KM_IDLE_TIMEOUT"), "pause_resume" : None, "respond" : None, "save_variables" : None, "virtual_sdcard" : None } %} {% set output = [] %} {% for s in required_sections %} {% set f = required_sections[s][0] if required_sections[s] else None %} {% set v = required_sections[s][1] if required_sections[s] else None %} {% if s not in printer.configfile.config %} {% set dummy = output.append("Missing [%s] section.\n" | format(s)) %} {% elif f and (v not in printer.configfile.config[s][f]|default("")|upper) %} {% set dummy = output.append("Missing %s in %s for [%s] section.\n" | format(v, f, s)) %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if output %} { action_emergency_stop(( "required printer.cfg section(s) missing:\n" ~ output | join("\n")) ~ "See readme:\x23klipper-setup") } {% endif %}

These are all set to their defaults based on config options:

SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=_km_globals VARIABLE=start_level_bed_at_temp VALUE="{ 1 if printer.bed_mesh is defined else 0}" BED_MESH_CHECK SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=_km_globals VARIABLE=start_quad_gantry_level_at_temp VALUE="{ 1 if printer.quad_gantry_level is defined else 0}" SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=_km_globals VARIABLE=start_z_tilt_adjust_at_temp VALUE="{ 1 if printer.z_tilt is defined else 0}" {% set toolhead = printer.toolhead %} SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=_km_globals VARIABLE=print_min VALUE="{ (toolhead.axis_minimum.x, toolhead.axis_minimum.y)}" SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=_km_globals VARIABLE=print_max VALUE="{ (toolhead.axis_maximum.x, toolhead.axis_maximum.y)}" SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=_km_globals VARIABLE=start_end_park_y VALUE="{ toolhead.axis_maximum.y}" {% set settings = printer.configfile.settings %} SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=_km_globals VARIABLE=start_home_z_at_temp VALUE="{ 1 if ("stepper_z" in settings and settings.stepper_z.endstop_pin.split()|join("")|lower == "probe:z_virtual_endstop") else 0}"

{% set options = printer["gcode_macro _km_options"] %} {% set km = printer["gcode_macro _km_globals"] %}

Force overrides to use the original types in _KM_GLOBALS.

{% for k in options %} {% if k not in km %} {action_raise_error("%s is not valid for _KM_OPTIONS." | format(k))} {% endif %} {% if km[k] is string %} SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=_km_globals VARIABLE={k } VALUE="'{options[k]|replace('\','\\')|replace('\'','\\'') |replace('\"','\\"')}'" {% elif km[k] is float %} SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=_km_globals VARIABLE={k } VALUE="{options[k]|float}" {% elif km[k] is integer or km[k] is boolean %} SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=_km_globals VARIABLE={k} VALUE="{options[k]|int}" {% elif km[k] is mapping %} {% if options[k] is not mapping %} {action_raise_error("%s requires a mapping type." | format(k))} {% endif %} SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=_km_globals VARIABLE={k } VALUE="{options[k]|replace('\"','\\"')}" {% elif km[k] is sequence %} {% if options[k] is not sequence %} {action_raise_error("%s requires a sequence type." | format(k))} {% endif %} SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=_km_globals VARIABLE={k } VALUE="{options[k]|replace('\"','\\"')}" {% else %} {action_raise_error("%s is not a valid type for _KM_OPTIONS."|format(k))} {% endif %} {% endfor %}

Defaults that can alias to a user override.

{% if "print_max" in options and "start_end_park_y" not in options %} SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=_km_globals VARIABLE=start_end_park_y VALUE="{ options.print_max[1] }" {% endif %}

{% if "homing_override" in printer.configfile.config %} {% for l in printer.configfile.config.homing_override.gcode.split("\n") %} {% if " g28 " in (" " ~ l.split("\x23")[0].split(";")[0]|lower ~ " ") %} { action_raise_error( "G28 in [homing_override] gcode. Replace with G28.6245197 to " "fix recursive macro call.\n" "See readme:\x23g28") } {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %}


[delayed_gcode INIT_GLOBALS]

This runs once at startup and initializes all macros.

initial_duration: 1 gcode: _KM_GLOBALS

This needs to be its own macro so it gets evaluated after _KM_GLOBALS runs.


Sets the default drawing parameters.

SET_DRAW_PARAMS WIDTH="{printer.configfile.settings.extruder.nozzle_diameter}"

This is any end-user gcode that need to run after macro initialization.


[gcode_macro check_km_config] description: Checks global variables and throws an error on any invalid values. Does nothing if the config has no errors. gcode: {% set km = printer["gcode_macro _km_globals"] %} {% set toolhead = printer.toolhead %} {% set output = [] %} {% if km.park_x > toolhead.axis_maximum.x or km.park_x < toolhead.axis_minimum.x %} {% set dummy = output.append("park_x is invalid.") %} {% endif %} {% if km.park_y > toolhead.axis_maximum.y or km.park_y < toolhead.axis_minimum.y %} {% set dummy = output.append("park_y is invalid.") %} {% endif %} {% if km.park_z > toolhead.axis_maximum.z or km.park_z < toolhead.axis_minimum.z %} {% set dummy = output.append("park_z is invalid.") %} {% endif %} {% if km.print_max[0] > toolhead.axis_maximum.x or km.print_max[1] > toolhead.axis_maximum.y %} {% set dummy = output.append("print_max is invalid.") %} {% endif %} {% if km.print_min[0] < toolhead.axis_minimum.x or km.print_min[1] < toolhead.axis_minimum.y %} {% set dummy = output.append("print_min is invalid.") %} {% endif %} {% if km.start_extruder_preheat_scale > 1.0 or km.start_extruder_preheat_scale < 0.0 %} {% set dummy = output.append("extruder_preheat_scale is invalid.") %} {% endif %} {% if km.load_length > printer.configfile.settings["extruder"].max_extrude_only_distance %} {% set dummy = output.append( "load_length exceeds max_extrude_only_distance.") %} {% endif %} {% if km.load_length < km.load_priming_length %} {% set dummy = output.append( "load_length is shorter than load_priming_length.") %} {% endif %} {% if km.load_length < 0.0 %} {% set dummy = output.append("load_length is negative.") %} {% endif %} {% if km.load_priming_length < 0.0 %} {% set dummy = output.append("load_priming_length is negative.") %} {% endif %}

Emit all the config errors.

{% if output %} { action_raise_error(output|sort|join('\n')) } {% endif %} M400

[gcode_macro kmvars] description: Lists global variables used by klipper-macros. Usage: KMVARS [SEARCH=] gcode: {% set SEARCH = params.SEARCH|default(params.S|default(""))|lower %} {% set km = printer["gcode_macro _km_globals"] %} {% set output = [] %} {% for k in km %} {% if SEARCH in k %} {% set dummy = output.append(k ~ ": " ~ km[k]) %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} { action_respond_info(output|sort|join('\n')) }

[gcode_macro check_macro_docs] description: Lists macros lacking proper documentation. Usage: CHECK_MACRO_DOCS [USAGE=<0|1>] [HIDDEN=<1|0>] [RENAMED=<1|0>] gcode: {% set USAGE = params.USAGE|default(0)|int %} {% set HIDDEN = params.HIDDEN|default(0)|int %} {% set RENAMED = params.RENAMED|default(0)|int %} {% set output = [] %} {%set config = printer.configfile.config %} {% for k in config|sort %} {% if k.startswith("gcode_macro") %} {% set name = k.split()[1] %} {% set desc = config[k].description|default("") %} {% set is_renamed = config[k].renameexisting|default("") %} {% if (not desc or (USAGE and not "Usage: "~name.upper() in desc)) and (HIDDEN or not name.startswith('')) and (RENAMED or is_renamed) %} {% set dummy = output.append("%s %s: missing %s." | format("*" if is_renamed else " ", name, "description" if not desc else "usage")) %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {action_respond_info(output|join("\n"))}

The below macro is a lightly edited version of the one found here:

[gcode_macro listvars] description: Lists per-macro variables with a name containing SEARCH. This is useful for debugging macros by allowing you to probe printer state. Be very careful, however, as an overly broad SEARCH parameter can take a long time to process and potentially hang or crash klipper. Usage: LISTVARS SEARCH= gcode:

{% if 'SEARCH' not in params and 'S' not in params %} { action_raise_error("Must provide a SEARCH parameter.") } {% endif %} {% set SEARCH = params.SEARCH|default(params.S)|lower %} {% set ns = namespace() %} {% set output = [] %} {% for item in printer %} {% if item is not string %} {% set ns.path = ['printer', "[%s]" % (item|string), ''] %} {% elif ' ' in item %} {% set ns.path = ['printer', "['%s']" % (item), ''] %} {% else %} {% set ns.path = ['printer.', item, ''] %} {% endif %}

{% if SEARCH in ns.path|lower %}
  {% set dummy = output.append(ns.path|join) %}
{% endif %}

{% if printer[item].items() %}
  {% for childkey, child in printer[item].items() recursive %}
      {% set ns.path = ns.path[:loop.depth|int + 1] %}
      {% if childkey is not string %}
        {% set null = ns.path.append("[%s]" % (childkey|string)) %}
      {% elif ' ' in childkey %}
        {% set null = ns.path.append("['%s']" % (childkey)) %}
      {% else %}
        {% set null = ns.path.append(".%s" % (childkey)) %}
      {% endif %}

      {% if child is mapping  %}
      {% else %}
        {% if SEARCH in ns.path|lower %}
          {% set dummy = output.append("%s : %s" % (ns.path|join, child)) %}
        {% endif %}
      {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}
{% endif %}

{% endfor %} { action_respond_info(output|join("\n")) }

*# <---------------------- SAVE_CONFIG ---------------------->

*# DO NOT EDIT THIS BLOCK OR BELOW. The contents are auto-generated.


*# [extruder]

*# control = pid

*# pid_kp = 19.910

*# pid_ki = 0.969

*# pid_kd = 102.286


*# [heater_bed]

*# control = pid

*# pid_kp = 75.269

*# pid_ki = 1.402

*# pid_kd = 1010.489


*# [bltouch]

*# z_offset = 3.268


*# [bed_mesh default]

*# version = 1

*# points =

*# -0.016183, 0.007469, 0.001245, 0.013693, -0.022407, 0.007469, -0.001245, -0.046059, -0.078425, -0.175523

*# -0.036100, -0.009959, -0.006224, 0.009959, -0.011204, -0.001245, 0.011204, -0.019917, -0.053528, -0.130709

*# -0.060997, -0.037345, -0.012448, 0.007469, -0.022407, 0.006224, 0.028631, -0.004979, -0.017428, -0.104567

*# -0.067222, -0.041080, -0.021162, -0.007469, -0.041080, -0.012448, -0.017428, -0.039835, -0.053528, -0.138178

*# -0.051039, -0.022407, -0.017428, -0.008714, -0.052283, -0.036100, -0.013693, -0.065977, -0.087139, -0.180502

*# -0.059752, -0.024897, -0.038590, -0.018673, -0.062242, -0.033611, -0.031121, -0.057263, -0.087139, -0.158095

*# -0.082160, -0.046059, -0.024897, -0.008714, -0.051039, -0.019917, -0.006224, -0.031121, -0.047304, -0.119505

*# -0.070956, -0.046059, -0.031121, -0.022407, -0.057263, -0.031121, -0.029876, -0.054773, -0.075935, -0.145647

*# -0.064732, -0.032366, -0.032366, -0.027387, -0.070956, -0.054773, -0.057263, -0.097098, -0.115770, -0.196685

*# -0.049794, -0.043570, -0.042325, -0.028631, -0.070956, -0.060997, -0.065977, -0.092118, -0.112036, -0.181747

*# x_count = 10

*# y_count = 10

*# mesh_x_pps = 2

*# mesh_y_pps = 2

*# algo = bicubic

*# tension = 0.2

*# min_x = 9.990000000000002

*# max_x = 205.93

*# min_y = 37.0

*# max_y = 182.98