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cant ssh into cb1 #21

Open tristengrim opened 1 year ago

tristengrim commented 1 year ago

hello all having a random issue with the cb1 being on and connected to my network but unable to ssh via putty, everything was working fine of about a month of running klipper/mainsail until about a week ago when it would randomly disconnect from web ui and be quite hard to get up and running again, the other day it took almost 2 hours to get a connection back but the whole time shows on my local network as connected. today it will not connect period so i decided to re flash the klipper kernel and it slill shows up on network but no putty ssh and just times out. any help or info on this issue would be greatly appreciated, i would like to just completely wipe and start over but unsure of how to do that as i cant connect to it to get another klipper.bin file off mobaxterm.