bigtreetech / PandaTouch

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Color Customization and Print Model display #41

Open polyphia opened 4 months ago

polyphia commented 4 months ago


I think everyone would appreciate having an option to customize the icon / menu colors on the display .

Many of us customize our printers and being stuck to red is aesthetically unpleasing for people who use other colors that don't match .

Since it should be a fairly easy option to integrate, hope we can see this in a future udpdate soon .

Would also be nice to have the 3D model of the object being printed , currently there is a large area where the logo sits that could be used for this purpose . I switched from an XTouch to the Panda touch and XTouch already has this ...

Lastly, being able to use a custom logo instead of the default Panda would also be a nice bonus, think someone already suggested this !

looxonline commented 4 months ago

Print model display is already covered in #12

Theme colours is a non trivial modification since the graphics are not algorithmically generated but rather pre-designed and uploaded. It may be possible to offer graphics packs which contain all of the default graphics so that people can see the resolutions, designs and file sizes. If they want, they can edit those and upload. This is entirely theoretical though and would need to be verified with the firmware team working on the project.

looxonline commented 4 months ago

Likely that this will be implemented in part in the V1.0.3 release by virtue of the fact that there will be a zip that can be uploaded that contains all of the PNGs and users can edit them to create their own graphic packs. Closing as a duplicate of #12 for now since this is covered in there.

HakonHarnes commented 2 days ago

@looxonline Any updates on the colour feature request? For example, changing the colours of button, borders etc. from red to green.

looxonline commented 2 days ago

@looxonline Any updates on the colour feature request? For example, changing the colours of button, borders etc. from red to green.

Working on the cloud release (V1.0.4) and then once that is stable we will move back to other QOL features like this. Cloud took priority.

HakonHarnes commented 2 days ago

Maybe this issue should be reopened until then so it's prioritized