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Simplify Change Filament option #44

Open liftbikerun opened 4 months ago

liftbikerun commented 4 months ago

Currently you have to select not only the type of filament but the color of the filament as well even for non-ams filament changes. Since this has no impact on the print itself when not using the AMS (not sure if it does even with the AMS, I don't have one), I would like to see a less cumbersome way of simply being able to select unload/load vs having to select a color and filament type.

philchfree commented 1 month ago

Well, I've just forgotten to select PLA rather than ABS (the unloaded filament) before hitting load and my 0.2 nozzle just clogged. The ABS temperature selected for loading my PLA just melted the filament above the nozzle and expanded just a bit to prevent it to load. I was not prevented from loading it but I don't have an AMS so not sure how it works with it but I'd say filament type is important, color certainly not.