bigtreetech / PandaTouch

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Beta Firmwares should be release in github. #60

Closed superceleron closed 2 months ago

superceleron commented 2 months ago

I think closing beta firmwares inside a closed group in facebook, is not a good idea. it should be release in here, i really don't understand why its not.

philchfree commented 2 months ago

BigTreeTech asked for the github account either on facebook, youtube or reddit so I think that's the plan

superceleron commented 2 months ago

well it should be posted here(readme is there for that), many ppl don't use any of that platforms.

philchfree commented 2 months ago

Oh OK, did not get it. It was on multiple platforms though not just facebook

nurtext commented 2 months ago

I would also like to know when the next (non-beta) version will be released..

bigtreetech commented 2 months ago

It was posted on all of our social media platforms with the intention of gathering beta users who have enough technical knowledge to be able to test the firmware by themselves and provide accurate feedback. Unfortunately, some users often feel that beta firmware is just an early release and it can be quite distracting to the beta program when they start to ask simple questions about the firmware so we limited those who could participate instead of making it open to everyone. Github was not included in the invitation list but perhaps If it reaches a point where we need to add more beta users to the program then we will take this channel into consideration too.

philchfree commented 2 months ago

Does this mean all beta testers have been contacted already? If I did not receive anything, does this mean I have not been selected or can it still come?