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Conda init required after conda installation #103

Closed Bastiaanspanjaard closed 8 months ago

Bastiaanspanjaard commented 1 year ago


As a first-time BIH cluster user, I was following the tutorial how to install conda ( I set up a new environment and tried to activate (conda activate <environment_name>) but got an error message:

CommandNotFoundError: Your shell has not been properly configured to use 'conda activate'.                    
To initialize your shell, run                                                                                 

    $ conda init <SHELL_NAME>                                                                                 

Currently supported shells are:                                                                               
  - bash                                                                                                      
  - fish                                                                                                      
  - tcsh                                                                                                      
  - xonsh                                                                                                     
  - zsh                                                                                                       
  - powershell                                                                                                

See 'conda init --help' for more information and options.                                                     

IMPORTANT: You may need to close and restart your shell after running 'conda init'.                           

Indeed, running conda init, closing and restarting a shell fixed this and I can now activate the conda environment. However, this may be something to add to the software installation section?

messersc commented 1 year ago

Hi Bastiaan,

I would happily accept a merge request with your proposed change!

Best, clemens

sellth commented 8 months ago

fixed via #128