bihor / fp_newsletter

TYPO3 plugin for newsletter subscription and unsubscription. Used table: tt_address. A log is written.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Not working in other languages than the default one #15

Closed tilman82 closed 4 years ago

tilman82 commented 5 years ago


Got a multilanguage setup here, the verifyAction throws an error in all other languages than the default one with UID=0.

Guess that's the reason:

I found commented code in the createAction and the log model regarding the sys_language_uid, with this code it works...

For me it also would be fine to set all the records to sys_language_uid=-1, as those user generated records will never be translated and I only know scenarios where multilingual newsletters are solved with the direct mail categories.

bihor commented 5 years ago

Yes, you are right - it does not work. I need to find a solution...

bihor commented 4 years ago

Is in the current version implemented. Have you tested it already?

tilman82 commented 4 years ago

Works like a charm, thanks a lot!!!