Closed Boa2 closed 1 year ago
I think you just must clean all caches. The setting preferXlfFile is undefined before cleaning the cache. Second option is to use this TypoScript: plugin.tx_fpnewsletter.settings.preferXlfFile = 0
Hi Bihor, unfortunately adding "plugin.tx_fpnewsletter.settings.preferXlfFile = 0" was not successful. But the error message changed to:
Core: Exception handler (WEB): Uncaught TYPO3 Exception: Argument 2 passed to Fixpunkt\FpNewsletter\Utility\HelpersUtility::getGenders() must be of the type array, null given, called in /xxx/typo3conf/ext/fp_newsletter/Classes/Controller/LogController.php on line 122 | TypeError thrown in file /xxx/typo3conf/ext/fp_newsletter/Classes/Utility/HelpersUtility.php in line 153
I've cleaned the cache via "Flush all caches" and via Maintenance/Flush TYPO3 and PHP Cache.
Well, are you including the TypoScript settings of fp_newsletter? What does your TypoScript Object Browser shows you? Is this missing?
plugin.tx_fpnewsletter.settings.gender {
please = Bitte auswählen
mr = Herr
mrs = Frau
divers = Divers
Maybe comes the error only for other languages than the default language? Then you must set the foreign values like this:
[siteLanguage("languageId") == "1"] = Your company
plugin.tx_fpnewsletter.settings.gender.please = Please select your gender = Mr.
plugin.tx_fpnewsletter.settings.gender.mrs = Mrs.
Thank you so much. I forgot to include the TypoScript settings of fp_newsletter. Now it works like expected.
Thanks, Andrea
After updating fp_newsletter from 2.2.1 to 4.1.0 I get the following error on the subscription page:
(1/1) TypeError Argument 1 passed to Fixpunkt\FpNewsletter\Utility\HelpersUtility::getGenders() must be of the type boolean, null given, called in /xxx/typo3conf/ext/fp_newsletter/Classes/Controller/LogController.php on line 122
The site is using Typo3 version 10.4.23 at the moment. I am going to update to Typo3 10.4.36 after the extension updates.
Any idea regarding the TypeError?