biigle / core

:large_blue_circle: Application core of BIIGLE
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Video preview thumbnails in annotation tool #375

Open mzur opened 2 years ago

mzur commented 2 years ago

We could expand the video preview thumbnail feature (which is displayed when the mouse hovers over a video thumbnail in the volume overview). Many popular video platforms (e.g. YouTube) show a preview thumbnail of the video when the mouse hovers over the video timeline. We can do this, too. We just have to generate more thumbnails when the video is processed (e.g. one thumbnail each 10 s). These thumbnails can then be used for the existing preview feature (subset of preview thumbnails in the volume overview) and when the user hovers over the top of the timeline in the video annotation tool (all preview thumbnails).

mzur commented 1 year ago

A JS video library recommends to generate the thumbnails as sprites. I think this would be a good idea here, too.

mzur commented 8 months ago

Users requested that they want to be able to click and hold in the video timeline (at the top where the times are displayed) and the video should automatically jump to the current time of the cursor. This should be possible forward and reverse (similar to the YouTube timeline).

YouTube basicall displays the low-resolution thumbnail as the video while doing this (in addition to the popup thumbnail). We could do it the same here.

mzur commented 8 months ago

This issue will be part of a student project.