biigle / core

:large_blue_circle: Application core of BIIGLE
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Bug when deleting single-frame/multi-frame annotation with gap #488

Closed mzur closed 5 months ago

mzur commented 1 year ago

An error occurs when the following steps are taken:

  1. Create a multi-frame video annotation with two keyframes
  2. Create a single-frame video annotation with a temporal gap to the first annotation
  3. Link the multi-frame annotation to the single-frame annotation
  4. Delete the keyframe of the single-frame annotation

The error occurs, the anotation is displayed wrongly and you have to repeatedly select different keyframes to get rid of the annotation. This should be fixed.

lehecht commented 1 year ago

Does the error appear on the console and say "[Vue warn]: Duplicate keys detected: '313'. This may cause an update error." ? I already get this error when I link the video annotations.

mzur commented 1 year ago

No, I don't see the warning. Can you provide steps to reporduce (or a video)?

Here is a video demonstrating the original issue:

lehecht commented 1 year ago

The error can be reproduced by:

  1. creating two whole frame annotations for two different labels
  2. linking them

The error should then appear on the console.

mzur commented 1 year ago

I see, thanks! I'm not even sure if linking annotations with different labels should be allowed. I think not, so this may be a new bug. Please feel free to open a new issue for this bug :wink: You should also update the manual section so it says only annotations with the same label can be linked (as part of the bug fix).

lehecht commented 9 months ago

Was there already an open pull request for this issue? I remember something with an erroneous rounding function for the video time stamps. But maybe I'm mixing something up?

mzur commented 9 months ago

No, I don't think there was an open PR for this issue. I don't remember one and I always try to link the PRs to the issues.