biigle / core

:large_blue_circle: Application core of BIIGLE
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Update attach volume documentation #859

Open mzur opened 1 week ago

mzur commented 1 week ago

Update the manual text about creating/attaching/deleting volumes as follows:

Project admins can create or delete volumes. To create a volume, click the [Create Volume] button of the volumes tab in the project overview. A new volume will be automatically attached to the project it was created for. Volumes can also be shared with other projects where you are also an admin. To do this, enter the name of the volume you want to attach in the input field on the top right of the volumes tab and hit enter. The volume is now attached to both projects. Changes made from one project will also be visible in the other project. To detach or delete a volume, hover the mouse over a volume thumbnail and click the [garbage can icon] button. A volume is deleted only if this is the last project that it is attached to (there will be an additional request for confirmation in this case). Be careful when doing this since deleting a volume deletes all annotations and cannot be undone!

References #857