Open dbrembilla opened 6 days ago
If I run in biigle
nvm use 23 npm run prod --verbose
npm fails silently.
If I run npm run prod with any other version of node, from 18 to 22, e.g.
nvm use 22 npm run prod
the script does not fail and correctly produces the production assets for NPM.
Logfile of the failing command:
0 verbose cli /home/dbrembil/.nvm/versions/node/v23.1.0/bin/node /home/dbrembil/.nvm/versions/node/v23.1.0/bin/npm 1 info using npm@10.9.0 2 info using node@v23.1.0 3 silly config load:file:/home/dbrembil/.nvm/versions/node/v23.1.0/lib/node_modules/npm/npmrc 4 silly config load:file:/home/dbrembil/projects/biigle/.npmrc 5 silly config load:file:/home/dbrembil/.npmrc 6 silly config load:file:/home/dbrembil/.nvm/versions/node/v23.1.0/etc/npmrc 7 verbose title npm run production 8 verbose argv "run" "production" 9 verbose logfile logs-max:10 dir:/home/dbrembil/.npm/_logs/2024-11-26T10_14_47_839Z- 10 verbose logfile /home/dbrembil/.npm/_logs/2024-11-26T10_14_47_839Z-debug-0.log 11 silly logfile start cleaning logs, removing 1 files 12 silly logfile done cleaning log files 13 verbose cwd /home/dbrembil/projects/biigle 14 verbose os Linux 6.11.9-arch1-1 15 verbose node v23.1.0 16 verbose npm v10.9.0 17 verbose exit 0 18 info ok
Thanks. This will hopefully be resolved by #949.
If I run in biigle
fails silently.If I run npm run prod with any other version of node, from 18 to 22, e.g.
the script does not fail and correctly produces the production assets for NPM.
Logfile of the failing command: