Once we finished migrating the data on the laptop to the Senckenberg BIIGLE instance, wipe the BIIGLE instance on the laptop and recreate it based on the new setup instructions:
Put the application files to /var/biigle and pull the latest version
Change the permissions in /var/biigle according to the setup instructions
Update the paths in the database backup script
Update the paths in the systemd BIIGLE restart service
Then try if the laptop is accessible via biigle-laptop.local and update the How-To accordingly.
I chose not to update the how-to as the solution with conky works fine for now. Also, Avahi all of a sudden used biigle-laptop-1 or biigle-laptop-2 as domain names. I need to figure out why this happens first.
Once we finished migrating the data on the laptop to the Senckenberg BIIGLE instance, wipe the BIIGLE instance on the laptop and recreate it based on the new setup instructions:
and pull the latest version/var/biigle
according to the setup instructionsThen try if the laptop is accessible via
and update the How-To accordingly.