biigle / laserpoints

:m: BIIGLE module to perform a heuristic laser point detection on images
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Fatal error #31

Closed mzur closed 4 years ago

mzur commented 4 years ago

This happened with image 666278 of volume 1212:

[2019-07-10 16:57:51] production.ERROR: Fatal error with laser point detection (code 1). {
   "command":"/usr/bin/python /var/www/vendor/biigle/laserpoints/src/config/../resources/scripts/ '/var/www/storage/framework/cache/laserpoints/biigle_delphi_gather_output_5d25fcd18cd04' '/var/www/storage/framework/cache/files/0a0d8449a0cfbd08473b093a074f340765fd119313af3e4b85ae6977ae740750' '15' 2>&1",
      "Traceback (most recent call last):",
      "  File \"/var/www/vendor/biigle/laserpoints/src/config/../resources/scripts/\", line 43, in <module>",
      "    sel2 = np.zeros(img[mask_image].shape[0], bool)",
      "IndexError: index 2068 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 546"

It's probably because the images with the training laser points are much larger (4608 × 3456 px) than the image at hand (961 × 546 px). It should be skipped in this case.