bijij / ViewImage

Extension to re-implement the "View Image" and "Search by image" buttons into google images.
MIT License
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Buttons missing in new images layout #181

Closed terrorist96 closed 4 years ago

terrorist96 commented 5 years ago

Similar to #161

Search Google for image, either open result (All sizes) or click on a visually similar image.


terrorist96 commented 5 years ago

But the View Image button does appear if I search via text and go to the images tab (but the search by image button is missing still).


tolgabalci commented 5 years ago

Some images have the View image globe button and some images do not. Haven't found a pattern for which ones do and which ones do not.

bijij commented 5 years ago

@terrorist96 in the picture shown there the search by image link is just below where you circled.

as for the original issue post, google seems to be doing something different there where the sidebar section is loading multiple images at all stacked on top of each-other and hiding all the other images based on the one you clicked on.

Might take a while to find a solution which fixes that without breaking all the other implementations google has in place.

bijij commented 5 years ago

To add to this. if you just click around all the images on that page you linked at random eventually the view image button will begin appearing as expected.

terrorist96 commented 5 years ago

@terrorist96 in the picture shown there the search by image link is just below where you circled.

Where? image

To add to this. if you just click around all the images on that page you linked at random eventually the view image button will begin appearing as expected.

Can confirm this is true.

bijij commented 5 years ago

To the right of the "Images may be subject to copyright" it's just hyperlinked text rather than a button on the redesign for now.

terrorist96 commented 5 years ago

Oh I see it now. But it's not there in the very first image I posted.

terrorist96 commented 5 years ago

Here's another issue. After clicking around to get the buttons to appear, sometimes the links will be for other images. For example, I clicked the Search by image link for one picture but it opened a tab with another picture's search result instead.

bijij commented 4 years ago

This seems to have resolved itself with Google changing the layout again. Or at least has for me. Closing for now.

If you're having issues perhaps discuss in #188

terrorist96 commented 4 years ago

It's more broken than before for me. Don't see the View Image or search by image links anywhere. But I'll follow issue #188