bijij / ViewImage

Extension to re-implement the "View Image" and "Search by image" buttons into google images.
MIT License
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Google Broke it again #279

Closed L0garithmic closed 5 months ago

L0garithmic commented 6 months ago

Google updated their page and nobody's scripts work any more. They moved things around.

IDK Why Google needs to always break things..

bijij commented 6 months ago

It seems Google has removed all the indicators I was using to tell this was a Google images page out of the URL.

I'm either going to need to find a new way to tell this is an images page.

Or just have the script always run on any google results page (not desirable).

L0garithmic commented 6 months ago


&tbm=vid is videos &tbm=nws is news &tbm=bks is books &tbm=shop is shopping

ner00 commented 6 months ago

It hasn't changed for me yet, it's still tbm=isch, but how about udm=2?

L0garithmic commented 6 months ago

both tbm=isch and udm=2 change the search to photos for me

bijij commented 6 months ago

I've added udm=2 to the manifest in 3080a17 and bumped the version to 5.1.0, hopefully it doesn't take too long for webstores to approve.