bikass / kora

Kora icon theme for GNU/Linux os
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Korla light changes when icon cache is made #10

Closed freefreeno closed 5 years ago

freefreeno commented 5 years ago

When the I add the korla light icon theme it states that I need to generate a icon cache and when I do so it reverts to the gnome icons so something is up with the light version.

bikass commented 5 years ago

Checked on Xubuntu there is warning about cache, but works. However there is problem with white panel some icons still white, same on budgie but different icons. I have no idea how to make it work (this is Panel and Action icons, but if you check them in text editor, they are correct). I will remove this light theme in next release.

Digitalone1 commented 5 years ago

Checked on Xubuntu there is warning about cache, but works. However there is problem with white panel some icons still white, same on budgie but different icons. I have no idea how to make it work (this is Panel and Action icons, but if you check them in text editor, they are correct). I will remove this light theme in next release.

Warning about cache is because korla-light folder does not have icon-theme.cache file. You should add it, but do not copy it from korla folder, there should be a way to generate it on its own.

I think index.theme is wrong too. Maybe you need to specify folders like in the original korla index.theme and add korla on top of inherits: Inherits=korla,breeze,gnome,hicolor

Please do not remove it, fix it, maybe you can give a read to this:

Unfortunately I don't have time in these days otherwise I would give a look.

bikass commented 5 years ago

Hi, Thanks, for looking into that. Looks like I'm going to need your help :) No rush - someday when you have time. I tried to create cache separately, looks like working. but there are issues like that, when panel is light some icons doesn't change to dark: screenshot from 2019-02-17 14 06 33

Also I'm having hard time with "panel" icons. All icons like "actions","panel","status" - are 16x16.But "panel" icons just appear a lot bigger, but if I replace with 22x22 then size is correct (Wireless indicator): screenshot from 2019-02-17 14 10 04

I think index file need some improvements. Maybe all folder structure needs to be changed in order to work properly. Also would we nice to have folder symlinks for HiDpi (16x16@2) I think, that I'm already reached limits of my competence :)

Digitalone1 commented 5 years ago

Try to copy korla index theme file in korla-light folder and just modify theme name and add korla on top of inherits.

If icons won't show, maybe light ones have another name. I can't reproduce on my system, plasma themes do not allow to change icons on panels.

Regarding index them file structure, I'll investigate when I have time.

bikass commented 5 years ago

I remade korla-light with index from korla, and created symlinks to other folder. Now seems like cache is working

freefreeno commented 5 years ago

I know the light version is being worked on so I reinstalled and you are correct about the cache file doesn't show to be missing anymore but in Arch xfce if you apply white theme the whisker menu completely leaves panel as well as mostly every other icon from panel in xfce. I am not sure about any others because I had to hurry and change it back to regular korla. I guess I should have kept my mouth shut about light version. lol . I am trying to learn how to theme and I am at the beginning of a long journey with no experience so i can do is give feedback or I would be glad to help because I use the icons right now. I say make all panel icons white in dark version so that half the panel icons arent white and the others colored. So in other words anything you add to the panel should be a white icon on a dark theme and black or some dark color on the light version.

bikass commented 5 years ago

Light theme's symlinks were broken. Should work now. If you want to help. You could look for wrong icons and find their names in some other themes which works. Then post names somewhere here and I will make them :)

Digitalone1 commented 5 years ago

I'm glad you fixed, I've updated on the AUR.

But I think directories structures can be made better. korla-light should have same directories (but empty) as korla (except actions) and korla on top of inherits.

In this way you could add specific light icons in the other categories and missing ones are inherited from korla. That's the same mechanism when a breeze/gnome icon is shown in place of a missing korla one. I have time now, so I'll make some tests and let you know.

bikass commented 5 years ago

But this is exactly what I did :) Same folders in light theme, but all are symlinks to main theme except actions.

Digitalone1 commented 5 years ago

But this is exactly what I did :) Same folders in light theme, but all are symlinks to main theme except actions.

No, I mean empty folders, not symlinks, I'm testing it and will let you know if it works.

Anyway, looking into theme files, I noticed that Status category is missing. This category is used for system tray in Plasma. Maybe that's the reason panel icons were not working on my system. I'm doing some copying from Breeze theme file....

Digitalone1 commented 5 years ago

I was right, empty directories solution works. Korla-light shows icons inherited from Korla without symlinks, but unfortunately I had to revert to 0.8.5 version which I had in cache because some icons in last release are corrupted. I can't see emblems for locked or shared directores.


If I clone git repository and browse emblem directory, some icons are not showed correctly.

bikass commented 5 years ago

Yes some svg had image layers in emblems. Fixed. Should be fine now. And these empty folders, are they working with cache? What advantage over symlinks?

Digitalone1 commented 5 years ago

That's weird because I can't see them in the desktop, neither in Gwenview, but if I open with Chromium they're rendered properly. I'm going to clone the last git and checking...

Empty folders were working to me, I assume no issues with the cache. Advantage is that in the future you can add specific light icons without having to symlink all others in the same folder.

These are the headers of the index themes:

[Icon Theme] Name=Korla Comment=Dark icon theme for Linux desktops. Mix of the following icon sets: La_Capitaine, MacOS11, Papirus. Inherits=breeze,gnome,hicolor

[Icon Theme] Name=Korla Light Comment=Light icon theme for Linux desktops. Mix of the following icon sets: La_Capitaine, MacOS11, Papirus. Inherits=korla,breeze,gnome,hicolor

Digitalone1 commented 5 years ago

Just did a quick check, I can see all icons in emblems now.

bikass commented 5 years ago

Ok, I assume those changes are good :) . Will you make a commit then?

Digitalone1 commented 5 years ago

In the next hour I think.

Digitalone1 commented 5 years ago

Did the commit, but I didn't consider that github won't save empty directory. -_-

Can you revert to your last commit?

Digitalone1 commented 5 years ago

Well, in this case it's better to stay with symlinks and If in the future you have to add specific light icons on other folders, you can add them and the others will be inherited by primary korla theme.

Digitalone1 commented 5 years ago

Or maybe we can do this. You choose.

bikass commented 5 years ago

Reverted to previous commit. Lets leave with symlinks. Works at the moment and less headache.

Digitalone1 commented 5 years ago

Okay, I commited only index.theme files, addes status category which was missing. Did you resolve the issue with icon size in the panel?

bikass commented 5 years ago

Thanks! No, I didn't resolve panel stuff. Icon size is ok if I uses 22x22 icons. Just don't understand why icons are bigger when I put 16x16 icons. But would be nice to resolve this light and dark icon issue in panel. Icons are good, but don't understand why they are not changing into dark...

Digitalone1 commented 5 years ago

How you change size? Inside the svg text?

Maybe it's a dumb question, but did you check name compatibility?

Some icons shows and others not? Unfortunately I can't test this on Plasma.

Edit: can you write here name of icons who are not showing correctly?