bike-barn / hermit

A home directory configuration management assistant
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Should we just merge with vcsh? #64

Closed RadicalZephyr closed 9 years ago

RadicalZephyr commented 9 years ago

Hermit is cool and it's been a fun project, but it seems like vcsh is an even cooler take on the same basic issue.

We might be able to add a more interesting and robust profiles feature to vcsh and adding redaction shouldn't be that hard either...

What do you think @reillysiemens?

reillysiemens commented 9 years ago

Haven't had a chance to look at vcsh. What makes it a cooler take? If it doesn't have profiles or redaction yet was does it have that makes it more worthwhile than continuing to develop hermit?

RadicalZephyr commented 9 years ago

Basically, it doesn't do out of home dir management. So no symlinks. Instead it helps you manage multiple git dirs coexisting in your home folder. This lets you have a more modular structure for your dot files with like an ohmyzsh repo and your vim rc separate, got configs in another repo etc.

This gets at an even more modular way of handling things than hermit profiles. In fact I see rebuilding profiles on top of this structure as essentially defining a group of repos that together form some subset if configuration.

I don't know. I think I'll have to try and use it before I can decide. And it may just be more fun to keep making hermit awesome :)

There is also homeshick which seems VERY similar to hermits goal except less awesome in docs and presentation. So maybe we can convince them to contribute to hermit instead :)

Geoff (from mobile)

Nothing is ever easy.

reillysiemens commented 9 years ago

Hmm... We could reach out to both vcsh and homesick devs to discuss design on a fourth system built with the goals of modularity, security (redaction), and portability (make it in sh so it'll run out of the box on just about any *nix). Or, we could redesign hermit and just go it alone. Either way, I'm more interested in the idea of having a modular, secure, and portable home directory management utility than I am in any particular project. That being said, hermit is a kickass name.

reillysiemens commented 9 years ago

Did we ever reach a conclusion on this? I like the modularity of only cloning the config files you need, but I also don't like the idea of managing a different repo for ssh, zsh, and vim... My dotfiles are, for me, a productivity library. I rarely just want one component of them. If I do I'll just scp one file where I need it.

RadicalZephyr commented 9 years ago

I say we keep working on hermit. It wouldn't do to just abandon our pet project to die...

reillysiemens commented 9 years ago

Word. I think this was the right choice. :smile: