bikebike / BikeBike

Bike!Bike! website
8 stars 8 forks source link

Look into Vagrant to decide if it can be a good solution for us: #267

Open G0dwin opened 7 years ago

G0dwin commented 7 years ago
G0dwin commented 7 years ago

Installation steps (based on windows install)

  1. Install git
  2. Install rails
  3. Install Postgres
  4. Install Node.js
  5. Download phantomjs and put in path
  6. Download and install ImageMagick
  7. Download and install GraphicsMagick:
  8. Create your database.yml
  9. Execute: gem install bundler
  10. If on windows, multiple copies of bcrypt get installed so you will need to uninstall one using gem uninstall bcrypt
  11. bundle exec rake db:create
  12. bundle exec rake db:migrate
  13. bundle exec rake bumbleberry:update
  14. bundle exec rake lingua_franca:import
  15. Add your browser to app/assets/stylesheets/bumbleberry-settings.json
  16. bundle exec rake assets:precompile
  17. Start the server using rails s -p 3001 (rails s -b to make accessible on other devices)
  18. sign in
  19. go to 'Conferences'
  20. In your db, find your new user and make their role 'admin'
  21. Refresh page and create a new conference
drwlrsn commented 7 years ago

I think the best bet might be to make a kind of all-in-one Docker container with the Rails app and DB running in the same container.

We should strive to have something as simple as docker run bikecollectives/website or whatever.